Saturday, January 16, 2016

Meet our Flynn!

This is Flynn!  He's our second boy in our family. My calm, happy, cuddly Flynn.
We LOVE him so much, he's been a great balance to his older brother, his wild, crazy, 'fly by the seat of his pants' brother.

I loved this boy the moment I met him.  After he was delivered (born via C-Section) he didn't make a sound.  The doctor kept trying to get him to cry, make noise, anything, and he just was content looking around, everything was amazing and new to him.  He's been my quiet, loving boy.

He loves cuddles, MARIO and LUIGI, his dad, dressing up, dancing and movies with popcorn.  He loves being together as a family.

The last few weeks, his amazing personality was hijacked.  He was cranky, irritable, anxious and clingy.  

I honestly thought he was going through a phase.  I had been reading the book "The Five Love Languages for Children" and simply thought he needed more one on one with mom and dad, more cuddles and a calmer lifestyle. 

We tried that, nothing changed. 

He was having trouble wetting himself, being constantly thirsty and peeing about every hour, hour and half.

At first I thought 
"I'm just being paranoid"
"It's just a phase"  
"He is just under stress"
"He's only 4"
"He's such a sensitive little soul, and things have been different since we moved"
Just about any excuse I could think of, I did.
I'd run it through my head constantly to justify these symptoms.

Until we (Colin and I) both couldn't justify any more.
He had to be changed at least once during the night wearing an actual diaper, and he'd still be wetting the bed.

The final straw was drinking 12 cups of water in a day.  THAT'S 3 LITRES!  For a 4 year old!
I couldn't view myself as a paranoid mother any longer, he needed a doctor.

Being a Medical Laboratory Assistant, I already knew what the doctor would most likely order and what the likely diagnosis was.  Not an exciting prospect, but I knew it wasn't going to go away, only get worse and likely be life threatening if left untreated.

On January 13, 2016, our wonderful, amazing, beautiful Flynn was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.

We were... I can't really describe 'how' we were.  We had been reading up on the symptoms of constant thirst and urinating so already knew the likely diagnosis.  It made the official diagnosis a little more tolerable, but still it still made my heart sink.  

It was official.  

I wasn't being paranoid.

Something was not right with my Flynn, and there was nothing I could do to fix it.
And that is the most heart-breaking thing any parent ever experiences.


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