Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rollercoaster of a Family Day Weekend...

Wow... well let's just say that this past weekend was a rollercoaster ride...

Colin and I had planned to go down to Calgary to 'play' with good friends we hadn't seen in a long time. We were SOOO looking forward to seeing these friends and enjoying a weekend away from Red Deer.

It was so good to see them! They have 2 kids and we have Brant, and our kids got along great!

What was really sad was, as parents, as soon as our kids were in bed, we didn't know what to do with ourselves. We all actually wanted to go to bed! LOL But we 'perservered' and made sugary snacks and played games and joked around. It was fun.

Sunday was interesting. Our friend's oldest child was diagnosed with a mental illness that has delayed his development and they were nervous to go to church. Their son had spent the majority of his life from 1 years old to now, screaming out in the halls to where church for them was such a chore. BUT, what was so awesome was that this Sunday, whether it was because he was older, had a friend (Brant) or whatnot, he spent the entire 2 hr block in Nursery!! I saw how it was such a huge relief for both Mom and Dad, and I hope that it continues this way!

I also, on Sunday developed a really sore... eyeball, eyebrow and top jaw... We narrowed it down to clogged sinuses! I had such a headache, we got saline flush stuff and I tried tylenol. Yeah, tylenol is such a JOKE!! Wouldn't even touch it! I felt AWFUL! I was sooo looking forward to having fun and socializing with other ADULTS!! Instead I spent it on their couch with tylenol and an ice pack.

Monday didn't get much better in the heahache department. But we all went out to Chinook mall and walked around. Finally after going crazy with this pain I decided I either needed to see a doctor in Calgary or go to the ER in Red Deer (when we got home). I was taken to the nearest open walk in clinic and waited for an hour and half. Then diagnosed with a sinus infection. I've never had one and they are yucky!!! I was given antibiotics and made the long trip home.

The antibiotics didn't start kickin in till about 48 hrs, so I still had a headache and clogged sinuses for a couple more days. My house looks like a tornado hit it but my head hurts so bad!! Colin mentioned taking my contacts out to see if that helped. NOPE! They make me a bit dizzy but my glasses pinch the bridge of my nose! So I chose the lesser of the two evils... contacts!

Anywho, Monday night it was so nice to see my own bed. As it ALWAYS is after being away. We went to bed early, me because I had this infection, Colin because he was starting to get a bit of a cold and Brant because he was beside himself exhausted. We all slept soundly until a familiar noise came from Brant's room at 2 am. Brant had thrown up 5 times. On the carpet, on his bed, on his bedding and of course all over himself. Colin had to deal with the puke, or he'd have been dealing with adult puke as well as kid puke. I dealt with Brant. Stripped him in the shower while he's screaming. We gave him a gravol suppository and I ran out to Shopper's for pedialyte and stuff for Colin. But by the time I got back Brant had passed out with Dad in our bed. Colin then called the other seminary teacher to ask her to take his class and he called in to work. (Colin NEVER calls in to work!!) We all spent the day in bed. But by the afternoon, Brant was his same cheery self.

I had also learned on Tuesday, a good friend of mine from high school, her youngest son had a terrible accident on the weekend. He's 17 months old and pulled a skillet of hot oil on himself and is now in the Calgary Children's hopsital. It was so awful to hear about it, and even worse seeing pictures. I can't imagine how it must feel, but it's interesting how much more these kinds of accidents hit home once you're a mom! For those who know Brittany and Tim Anderson, there is a blog they are writing for those interested in his time there. And if you have room in your hearts for a little fast or prayer on their behalf it would be very much appreciated as they do have a long way to go!

Tuesday came, Colin went back to work loaded with Advil Cold and Sinus and I was still feeling like someone had beat me with a brick. I opted for peanut butter sandwiches and movies all day. We were then rudely awakened by the previous tenant of this place.
**Little background** we moved in July 1st. These previous tenants 'never knew' they could contact the post office and have their mail forwarded. We kept recieving their mail, like almost all of their mail. We contacted our landlord to see if she knew any new contact info for this couple and she didn't. I tried looking them up in the phone book and such with no luck. We held on to it for about 4 months but it seriously kept piling and piling. We did take some to the post office but after so long with no one coming by I threw it out, and basically anything that looked 'unimportant' since.
So... the previous tenant after, oh let's see, 7 months... stops by asking for their mail. I'm like seriously?? I gave them what had come recently in the mail, but he was looking for his T4. I don't recall throwing it out because that is a piece of mail I would deem 'important', but I guess I must have. He came by RIGHT at nap time and then came by at naptime on Wednesday. We've searched for his T4, but no luck. But seriously, what does he think I am? His personal mail service? Geez... Sure I feel bad for throwing it out, but after 7 months with NO CONTACT or forwarding information what was I supposed to do?

Anywho, it's Thursday and Brant woke up throwing up again. Just a little bit and Colin felt really sick this morning, so he stayed home again. Once again, Brant is completely happy again and Colin and I feel like we could sleep for a week! Ahh... the life of parents and responsible adults... yick!

Well that's all going on in our neck of the woods. Hope everyone had a wonderful Family Day weekend!

Ultrasound Pictures...

So, Here's our new little boy! This profile looks a lot like Brant did!! So it will be interesting to see what this guy looks like when he comes out!

Here's our little guy's foot!!

So, here's our new little boy...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

And the verdict is...

So, today was our ultrasound day!
It was so exciting to see our little one and watch that little heart going nuts! It was so cute...
Then came finding out the gender...

Our family has a running joke. When my sister was just about 3-4 years old, my little cousin Michael was born. We, as little girls were obsessed with babies. We wanted to help feed him, rock him, play with him... and then came bathing him. My sister, being so young, didn't realise the difference between boys and girls. My cousin was bathing her son, and Paige and I were watching. All of a sudden Paige let's out a gasp of horror saying... "Mommy, that baby has a toe on his bum!!" Thus started the running joke...

So, our little one has a toe on it's bum!
There is a tid bit of gender disappointment as I had a girl name picked and NO boy names, and I was secretly hoping for a girl!
BUT... it's not our last babe, and when I really think about it, a boy is more economical for us right now!
Colin's excited Brant will have a little brother, as he was kind of nervous about whether or not it would be a girl.
I have to admit, when I married Colin and was pretty confident I was going to have a house full of boys! But I can't help hoping!!
Brant had a bit of a freak out in the ultrasound room. He saw the baby and wanted to 'touch it' and when we told him it's in 'mommy's tummy' and he put two and two together he wanted to leave. LOL, so he's already doing the ignore the new baby thing! GREEEEAAAAATTTT!
But everything looked great and normal, and we even got to see a cute yawn!!! It was sooooooooo adorable!
That's all for now... I'll try and upload the ultrasound pictures soon!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Pink or Blue...

So, I keep being asked if we are going to find out what sex this baby is.

We wanted to find out with Brant, because I totally wanted a boy! I was so thrilled to learn he was blue...

This time around we still want to find out but I don't care what it is.

People ask "So, would you like a boy or a girl?"

My only response is... both. While I'm obviously (and gratefully) NOT pregnant with twins, I would be thrilled with either gender, for the same reason.

I would LOVE a boy because I already have a boy. I have all the boy clothes, toys and bedding. For me a boy would be very 'economical'... lol! They could also share a room longer...

I would LOVE a girl because... I already have a boy. I want the curly ribbons, frilly bottom tights and pink dresses. I would like something different.

Colin's scared to have a girl. I'm trying to reasure him that Daddy's love their little girls, and while he says he 'believes' me, I don't think he's totally sold on the idea!!

But, we find out on Thursday hopefully if baby is relatively 'immodest'.

I'll be sure to update my blog once we find out!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Poked and prodded!

Soo today was our first actual pre-natal appointment.
Of course that includes being poked and prodded by my doctor, not the most pleasant thing, but we did get to hear the heartbeat! FINALLY!! It's a good strong 150 bpm. My grandmother is convinced that means it's a girl, but Brant's heartrate was always high too. After all the STUPID confusion over my pre-natal care, we finally had proof that those movements down there aren`t from an over active bowel. LOL

I also haven`t been posting a lot of pictures lately. I feel awful. But MY computer has passed on, or should I say my video card on my motherboard burnt out. (my fault, hehehe) I`m really sad as I have all my pictures and videos uploaded on there. I can still access it, but it`s really hard to see my screen! I can hook it up to my TV but it`s difficult with a little tyke running around touching everything, I promise to update facebook and my blog soon with pics!

LA#2 is still active as ever! I'm probably going to have another active child on my hands! It's getting stronger everyday and I'm starting to feel it on the outside, especially those great big kicks! Brant still has no idea what's going on, he heard the heartbeat too and just starred at the doppler. It was cute.

But that's all going on right now, I'm trying to update this often, mostly for my benefit as well as those who enjoy viewing a snapshot into our pretty boring lives! LOL

Thursday, February 3, 2011

All couped up...

Albeit it is my fault...
I thought I had changed all our addresses over when we moved back in JULY, but the other day I needed to take out my license for something and noticed I hadn't changed our address on those. YIKES!
So on the 22nd of January we went and got them changed, realizing that our car registration was due at the end of January. Oooppps...! So Registry Alberta obviously sent our vehicle registration to our old address (which is no longer being forwarded to us) and therefore we didn't get it!! So we're getting a bit of Cabin Fever stuck in this house until we get our NEW registration papers so I can go and register our cars! They said it would take 5-10 business days to get both the licenses and the registration. Well we got our licenses after 4 business days and tomorrow is 10 business days and we're still waiting for the car registration. Ugg... I hope it comes tomorrow because if it doesn`t we`ll be driving illegally to church! :O!!
I'm also going a little stir crazy cause I don't want to go anywhere in case I get pulled over! I really don't need a ticket, but I have things I'd like to do!!
Oh well, as long as I have a car by Monday for my Dr's appointment!

LA#2 is way too active! I'm surprised I can't feel it on the outside yet! I've had some pretty strong KICKS!
Brant didn't get up at 3 this morning, instead he got up at 5. So a bit better! I just get frustrated because between 3 and 7 I sleep the best, so when I miss that time frame I feel like I've only dazed all night and I'm a grump the whole day!

That's my latest vent, not too crazy, but that's what's going on in my life right now!
Hope everyone is doing well!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sleepless in Red Deer!!

I'm going crazy! I heard a few places that 2 year olds sleep as terrible as newborns, but I thought we had left that stage!!
Since putting Brant in a toddler bed he comes into our room first thing in the morning (around 730) and tells us he's 'ungree' (hungry). Not a huge deal as we can get him to lay with us (or me) for about another 1/2 hour.
But for the last about 2 weeks he's been getting up CONSTANTLY at 3am. Not crying, or frightened or mad or anything. It appears to be out of sheer boredom. He cuddles for a bit and then tries to start playing with Colin! Yeah... it doesn't fly! Then poor Colin spends the next hour and half trying to put him back to sleep, and then of course jumps in the shower so he can go teach seminary! Poor man hasn't had enough sleep in a few weeks. Needless to say I haven't either, but my job is a little less demanding as I can stay in PJs all day if I want. But, it's getting tiresome! I know I would deal with it better if I wasn't pregnant and exhausted all the time, but poor pregnant mommy needs her sleep! I already lay awake in bed for about an hour while LA#2 does somersaults and what not, and then wake up at least once a night to pee and then wait while LA#2 does more wiggling, it's hard to have LA#1 do the same.
We have a bit of a bedtime routine, but for the past 2 weeks, Brant has been going through the motions of bedtime, yawning, rubbing eyes... yada yada yada, but the second we put him down, apparently he's got a ton of energy! I tried (considering he's so 'tired') moving his bedtime back 1/2 hr to catch him yawning and rubbing his eyes, but the same result ensues.
He will get out of bed... over, and over, and over and over and over for about 2 hrs. It get's totally tiring and frustrating as he thinks this is a game.
Then after waking up at 3 and then up by 7, he looks completely exhausted but I can't get him back to sleep!
He complains he's hungry, so I load him up with oatmeal before bed, still complains he's hungry while putting him to bed and wakes up at 3.
I'm at the end of my rope, I can't imagine doing this in July with a new baby AND a stubborn toddler!
Any advice would be appreciated!

P.S. - I feel bad complaining about this because I know I don't have the most sleepless baby out there, but after a year of sleeping through the night and then this? I'm going zombie!