Friday, December 31, 2010

Merry Christmas and Rumors... (For WENDY EARL!)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Full of Family and Fun!

Ours started our pretty eventful!

On the 23rd, Colin, Brant and I were going to pack up the car and head down to Calgary to be there for about 7:00pm to have dinner with my Grandparents. I got a phone call at 4:30pm from my Grandpa telling me they weren't going to make it and my Grandma had been in a car accident. So that was a great start to our Christmas holidays! My Grandma is fine, and the car is a bit 'hurt' but all is well!

We decided to head down on the 23rd anyway, a bit late in the evening and we made it to Lethbridge at about 11:30pm.

Colin's family was getting together in Lethbridge for Christmas while my family was doing Christmas in Red Deer this year, so my mother and I just switched houses.

We opened presents on Christmas Morning, Brant and Colin were both spoiled rotten!

Colin got an iPod touch for his birthday and so I bought him several accessories (case, screen protector, plug in cord to the wall), hair gel (practical), markers (for seminary) and treats. His big present this year was a beautiful Dress Coat from Tip Top Tailors to wear over his suit! And my oh my he looks so handsome!!!

Brant got spoiled the most!! I had been collecting Toy Story things over the course of a few months when they were on sale or couldn't resist! Not intending to have a completely Toy Story Christmas! He got a Buzz and Woody doll from Santa, homemade Christmas pajamas, homemade Toy Story duvet cover and pillow case, Toy Story snuggie, hot wheels cars and some various treats as well. Let's just say he has NOT let that buzz doll out of his sight!!

We spend a lot of time with Colin's family, which was great because we rarely get to see them, and for the first time in a LONG time we were all together. All the kids and Mom and Dad. It was fun but Brant was such a Kling-on... He wouldn't go to Grandma or Grandpa the entire time we were there. Not too fun for Grandma and Grandpa! But rest assured he's been doing that in nursery for a few months as well. He's been super excited about Dad being off work for 10 days and been hanging off of his every chance he gets!

We also got to meet my sister's boyfriend, Brent. That was entertaining! He was really funny and could even quote obscure kids movie's with Colin. Needless to say those two (Colin and Brent) ended up with 'Man-crushes' on each other! Fun times!

Last but not least... (for Wendy...) We're pregnant with number 2!

We found out on November 5th and I hit 12 weeks on Christmas Day! We were pretty shocked but are happy with the way it turned out! We had an ultrasound at 6w3d and found a little bean and a heartbeat! I haven't had a pre-natal appointment yet as I'm waiting to get in with a group of Midwives here in Red Deer. I have my first appointment on the 5th. I'm pretty excited, especially if we can hear the heartbeat again.
So Little Anderson #2 is due July 2011! Just hopefully NOT on my birthday!

So that's all for now!

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Christmas, and a wonderful New Year!

Bring on 2011!