Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Three months in parenting 202...

Wow, haven't been on here in a while!
Colin and I have both trashed our computers to the point that fixing both would basically be the cost of one new laptop... so needless to say we haven't been on them too much...
So... three months into being the mother of 2. Let's just say it hasn't been as hard as I thought it was going to be. Not saying it's a piece of cake, but definitely easier than I thought.
BUT... I've had my moments..
Here's a few...
1. First Sunday at church with a new baby... We has loosened the straps on Flynn's carseat while sleeping and forgot to tighten them before putting him in the car and driving home.
Yah yah... just wait... it get's better!
2. The following Sunday after making sure Flynn was in his car seat securely we got in to drive home. Only to realise Brant had been screaming something that we eventually realised was "buckle me in" so we had to stop the car a few blocks from the church and buckle him in. phew..
3. I hadn't been buckling Flynn in his swing because it had a tray and it was just a hassle as I usually only put him in it when he was sleeping. I had put Brant to bed and Flynn was taking his last nap before bed. I placed him in the swing while I was on the phone with my Grandma. I was doing the dishes or something and I heard him starting to cry. I figured he would survive for a few minutes while I finished up only to come in and find him on the floor, a good three feet away from the swing. Still to this day I have yet to figure out how how he did that!
4. Basically the same incident as the swing but in his bouncy chair...
5. While driving home from a store I was deep in thought about something, Brant reaches forward, taps me on the shoulder and asks me to help him with a sticker. I place the sticker back on his hand at the stop light and wait for the light to change. Then... I realise something... Brant shouldn't be able to tap my shoulder while strapped in his car seat. So while trying to talk my son into at least buckling the chest strap the light turns green. So we basically drove from one end of the city to the other with only his chest strap done up.

That's got to be the top five most mommy-brained moments I've had so far... but also, we've experienced first smiles, first giggles, lots of brother hugs and melting hearts!
We sure love our two boys and while being parents to two kids is a bit more work it's just that much more rewarding!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

OB/GYN's... best interests of patients or wallets?

So I had my appointment with an OB/GYN this week, and it was... well, to say the least, interesting.
Ever since getting pregnant with Brant, I had always wanted a natural, normal vaginal delivery. The ones you see in movies and tv shows... maybe without all the hitting and screaming at the husband/father part. My hopes dimmed as I was being told Brant was going to be big and how I needed to be induced at 9 days over. Against my better judgement (aka the Spirit telling me to NOT being induced) I was induced and it was a delivery out of anyone's worst nightmare and it ended in an emergency section. And to top it off it was performed by my least favorite OB/GYN by FAR!! After that experience I vowed I would attempt a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesaerean) with my next child.
When I got pregnant with this baby, I contacted the local midwives right away. And while I won't go into detail about that big mess, needless to say I ended up needing to find a doctor/doctors who were willing and supportive of my hopes for a VBAC.
All of the doctors at the clinic I go to have been very supportive and encouraging about a VBAC, but told me I would need to see an OB/GYN to be cleared for a 'trial VBAC', basically meaning "we've checked over the patients history and body and find no reason to let her 'try'". I say 'try' because that's how they make you feel. Sure, go ahead and try but chances are you'll need a repeat section. (Well... I'm here to prove you wrong buddy!)
At the OB/GYN's office I was appalled to find that the previous OB (the one who performed my section, and who I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw him) had basically gotten all the facts of my L&D wrong in his surgical report. Which give the current OB/GYN the wrong impression of how my first labour went and he judges my chance on that. But of course, who is he going to believe... The woman who was there the entire time or the dweeb who came in a ripped out my kid??
Needless to say, I was given a 65% chance of a successful VBAC, and while that's still a decent chance, he never gave me a chance to explain the situation we had with Brant and any explanation I gave he 'poo poo'd right off the bat. "It's very unlikely his neck got deflected" (Unlikely, but still could happen right?) Thanks to the previous OB, he failed to mention how baby was positioned when he took him out so we may never know why he failed to descend, although I'm 90% sure his neck WAS deflected!
Anyway, the OB didn't seem too encouraging on the VBAC front and mentioned having a repeat section more than enough! It's just hard to stay positive when they really DON'T have the patient and baby's best interest in mind. Sections are a great tool when absolutely needed, but women have been having babies for centuries and our bodies are made for it! And these two OB's are a great example of why the section rate has soared over the last few years. Sections are easier to plan, schedule in, you know how long (typically) it should take to have a baby and because mom needs more drugs, anaesthetic and hospital time, the doctor and hospital are GUARANTEED MORE money! Not that I don't mind supporting my doctor, but sections are NOT always the best choice and it's NOT natural!
Maybe it's a flaw in the education of our doctors, being taught medicine is best, but you think because they put so much energy and years into their education you are getting someone who knows what's best, when really what's best is to (for the most part!!!) let nature takes it's course.
While I'm extremely happy with most of the doctors at my clinic and feel confident that with their help (Not the help of a 'scalpel happy' OB) I will have the best shot at a successful VBAC, I wish that those who put in the extra time, money and years to 'specialize' in their field would be more educated in what's BEST for the patient and not their wallets.

*NOTE: this isn't really a rant, and I'm not aiming this at all doctors. It's just the discovering of an area I had put so much trust in (doctors and the medical profession) has a second agenda and how they don't always have the BEST interest of the patient in mind.

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Little Update...

It's been a while.
I'm sorry I don't have any pictures this time, we've lost the power cord to our camera and until we find it, there won't be any pictures! Boo... we better find it soon cause we would like some pictures of this new baby!!

This last month has been pretty boring pregnancy wise. LA#2 has just been growing and sitting extremely low. Which is new for me! Brant LIVED in my rib cage! This child likes my pelvis.
I keep commenting on how my belly looks so much different this time. I didn't know why, but then it clicked. This boy read the "Emergency escape" pamphlet! He's head down (very down) and butt out! Brant had his bum under my ribs! (posterior) So with this kid in the proper position I'm getting more excited about delivery. Basically because my hopes for a natural vaginal delivery are going up!!

I'm still measuring large, and my hands and feet are starting to swell. Again, never experienced that with Brant. I'm also looking into natural and homeopathic remedies to help with labor and I've started a few this week! (I'm 36 weeks) Hoping they do what they claim to do!!

We went camping this past month!! We went May 28 to June 3. It was a lot of fun! My friend Courtney has a trailer and so our two families packed up and went to Bow Valley Provincial Park. The husbands stayed on the weekends but it was just just girls (and kiddos) during the week. The kids had a blast! Brant LOVES camping, and mom fell in love with the idea of trailers!! ;)

I also signed myself up for a serging class. A friend of mine was given a serger and my mom gave me hers but neither of us had any idea on how to use them. So we took the class together! It was a lot of fun, although we felt like the young 'troublemakers' as everyone else in that class was basically a grandma! I've already made a couple pillowcases for Brant, and it took less time to serge them than to cut them out!! It was sooooo easy!

Tomorrow I have my appointment with the OB/GYN. Yay for another 'lovely' internal exam! They are just going to be checking me over to make sure I can provide enough room for baby to make his grand exit and answer any VBAC questions I have. Speaking of which I should probably go and write some down so I don't forget! (Mental note for later....)

I'm getting really anxious about impending labor, but becoming more confident each day. That or just sick of being huge and VERY uncomfortable!!

Happy Summer Everyone!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Curse You Genetics.... **CURSE YOU!!**

I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is FLYING by! When I was pregnant with Brant it felt like forever and now I'm already seeing my doctor every 2 weeks. Getting closer!!

I had an appointment on the 2nd and I was shocked to discover I've gained 20 pounds in the last 2 months! I have NO idea where it's going! All the pants and clothes I wore when I was pregnant with Brant still fit! Ok... pants are a bit more snug, but not "You've gained 20 pounds" more snug!!

My GDS (Gestastional Diabetic Screen) came back 5.7, so normal and I'm measuring huge! Here comes the "Are you sure you aren't Gestational Diabetic?" question at EVERY appointment!

I'm apparently only 30 weeks 6 days pregnant, but by my calculation (and like... what do I know!) I'm 31 weeks 6 days. But I'm measuring 35 weeks. (Measuring from pubic bone to the top of the uterus) So the doctor wanted to send me for an ultrasound to rule out extra fluid. I assured her it was just big baby and while she agreed she'd rather be safe than sorry.

So off to an ultrasound I went. Baby looked great and, like I had promised the doctor, measured big! His femur length is already 34 weeks! I guess we're having another long baby!

Here are some cute pictures!!!

He looks soo much like Brant did when we got Brant's ultrasound pictures! So maybe they'll look alike?? The tech said he has hair too and I got to see him 'babbling' to himself!! I was getting soo excited!!

I was also shocked the next day when the doctor CALLED me to let me know the results of my ultrasound! I always just assumed "no news is good news"... (For the most part!) But no, the doctor actually called my house and had a good 5 minute conversation about the ultrasound. Confirming that he was indeed a big boy and there was no extra fluid. We discussed approximate fetal length and weight and precautions we needed to take. I literally almost fell off the couch! I had never had a doctor call because "I thought you would be curious about the results!" I was super impressed and am praying soo hard that she is the doctor on call when I deliver!

But on to the title of my entry... Genetics! I shouldn't be shocked that my babies are large! I'm a healthy person, I don't drink or smoke, never have and also have never done drugs! Not that those always guarentee a large baby, but those who do those things generally have low birth weight babies. I'm also cursed with the genes of big babies!

My grandmother had big babies. Both over 9 pounds. My mother had big babies... me being the smallest at 7 pounds 15 ounces (so one ounce shy of 8 pounds!) and my sister being 10 pounds 4.5 ounces (I think, that or 14.5 ounces!). My Aunt, had she not had all 3 babies early, would have had over 8 pounds babies too! So... I'm just cursed!

I'm not complaining, but seriously reconsidering wanting a girl! I would HATE to pass on this horrible genetic screw up to my poor innocent daughter! LOL

BUT... while we may have big babies, we also, for the most part, have healthy ones! So I should just be grateful for that!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

First visit to the park 2011... among other thoughts!

Easter Weekend Colin and I decided to ride our bikes to Bower to take Brant to the park.
It would FINALLY a beautiful day and I have been itching to go bike riding. I wanted to get a few rides in before I'm too big to go or we have our new addition who won't be able to go for bike rides for a year! :(
So here are some pictures from our first trip to the park!

Brant LOVES swings!

Bower Park has a fun little section that makes noise! And of course, Brant being a boy, loves to do such things!

Oh man! I remember... Last year that was too much for him, but this year it was the preferred way of getting to the top!! My little boy is growing up!!

Again, last year this slide was a bit too high for his liking! He needed a little motivation to go down and someone to catch him. This year he flew down the slide with ease! (He didn't even fall at the bottom!)

Something a little new this year... the BIG BOY swing! Of course we didn't go too high, but he thought it was pretty cool!

I can't believe how independent and big my little boy is getting! He rarely wants help with things anymore. He wants to put his own clothes on (even if it might take 1/2 an hour to do so, and a few backwards shirts! LOL), brush his own teeth and go to the potty by himself! He will usually get me to place him on the potty and then he'll hold up his hand and say "Go mommy!" and he'll tell me when he's done! We've been doing really well, even with pooping on the potty! He knows if he poops he get's his own cup of chocolate milk! So thankfully that's enough to motivate him!

He seems to be understanding that he will be having a little brother join him soon! He'll come in to bed with us in the morning and come and kiss mommy's tummy and say "Hi Little Brother!!", he also loves giving raspberries! Today he even said "Come out little brother!" so I'm starting to think he might be grasping the concept after all! I'm nervous to see how Brant reacts to having a newborn in the house. I can't see him being one of those kids that just accepts it and moves on. He's either going to love it or hate it!

I'm quite nervous to have 2 kids. I'm so tired most of the time (I think third trimester pregnancy being the culprit!) and I enjoy the quiet times when Brant naps! Brant is also a little handful! Don't get me wrong, he's a great kid and he's happy 95% of the time, but he's a little Forrest Gump! He LOVES to run, bolt and escape! He'll usually run without looking back or listen to us call after him to stop! He just keeps going! He's gotten better in malls and stores because he knows that if he takes off he gets put in a cart, but outside is a different story! YIKES... and to think I'll most likely be having another runner! yay... :S!

Mostly... I'm extremely nervous... no, scratch that... TERRIFED of labour! I wanted a completely natural labour with Brant, and to say the least, everything that could have gone wrong (besides death), went wrong! It was awful. Back labour was awful, c section was awful, spinal going stupid was awful and recovery was awful. I'm just so petrified it will go the same way again, especially an emergency c section! I remembering being almost fully dialated and my doctor telling me to push... and immediately my thoughts were "OK... I'm done! I don't want to do anymore!" I was so scared! (Granted, Brant was in a bad position and pushing brought NO relief!) People keep telling me that if baby is positioned right, pushing is the best part. Yeah... I don't know how much I buy that! LOL

I keep being reassured by Heavenly Father and family that things will go alright, but it honestly feels like my first time all over again. Eeeppp... Nevermind that I'm worried that if everything goes as planned, how will it affect my relationship with Brant? I never got those first special/critical bonding moments with him resulting in MONTHS AND MONTHS of post partum and anxiety. I'm just afraid I'll bond more with this baby and have more of a special bond with him instead of sharing that equally important bond with Brant!

Oh the worries and woes of us mothers!! What we put ourselves through! LOL I'm certain everything will be fine and it's just pre-labour jitters.

Oh a happy note... It's supposed to be 20 degrees on Monday! I think a bike ride is in order!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

An Anderson Easter!

It all started with a hair cut!

For the most part he was pretty good! Near the end, Colin needed to hold his head still!

The finished product! Despite the funny face he's giving, I didn't do a horrible job!

Then we coloured eggs! Brant really had NO CLUE what we were doing, but he had fun naming the different colours we used! He still has no idea who or what the Easter Bunny is!

Another shot of us colouring Easter Eggs...

Brant and the finished product!

The Easter Bunny was pretty good to Brant! He loves to colour and draw so he left Brant lots of colour supplies sure to make his mother follow him around with a sponge and bucket! :)

He sure thought chocolate for breakfast was the bestest thing ever!!

He eventuall found all the eggies hid by that tricky Easter Bunny!

Brant's haul! Mommy is very grateful the Easter Bunny didn't spoil him with too much chocolate!

We hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Easter!!

The Andersons

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Because apparently my blog is boring...

I've been razzed by a friend saying my blog is boring and I need to add more pictures! Gah... easier said than done. Since I fried my computer I haven't taken the time to move all my pictures and stuff over from my computer to Colin's. (Don't worry I won't fry Colin's too!) So today because it was so gross outside, I decided to take the time and transfer everything over!

-----3 HOURS LATER-----

I got everything transferred over and am updating all my pictures on both my blog and facebook!

This picture was taken at 25 months. He was complaining of a very sore bum, and he had a wicked rash. My grandmother mentioned putting him my kitchen sink with baking soda in it to help neutralize the 'burn'. Worked like a charm and Brant looked so funny in my sink! But he quite enjoyed himself! This picture was taken after I noticed Brant has been quiet for an unusual amount of time. I was on the phone and I went to go check on him. Let's just say NO ONE likes a baby they can smell before they can see!! I could smell, out of his room, the wonderful odours of SudoCreme before I could even see him. Let's just say I couldn't imagine he could get it anywhere else! Finally, after enduring WAY too many cold days, we finally had a beautiful *Sun*day. I wasn't sure how I felt about going out sledding on a Sunday before church, but we hadn't had a nice day in such a long time that I caved! *May I be struck down by lightning!* Brant had a GREAT time! He thought it was so fun! We weren't sure if he'd like it, but after going down once we had him hooked! He continually asked to go 'gain'...

After one of his many trips down with dad!

For Christmas, Brant got some money from his Uncle Rick. For the longest time his favourite book was "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" (Thanks Grandma Wendy!) and we were walking by that Calendar Club place in the mall and saw "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" Game. It was on sale half price! So for 16.00 dollars we bought Brant his first board game! It's a *little* advanced for him but if we do a quick version he has fun!

Some more of the wonderful "Caterpillar" game.

Brant wasting time with Dad while waiting for bed. Usually he get's mad when Dad plays because he'd rather be playing with Dad. But this time he wanted to play with Dad! Maybe a future concert pianist in the works...?? Here is one of the most exciting recent events in our house... Brant decided he was *ready* for potty training!! After spending a few too many hours in a cloth diaper (bad mommy!) he was soaked! And I mean S-O-A-K-E-D!! So, after taking off his diaper I let him run around bottomless just to air dry.
I've been trying to get him to go on the potty, but everything I ask "do you want to go pee on the potty Brant?" He just replies "Mmmm... no." So I've never pushed it. I've been told by multiple moms of boys to not bother trying to potty train till they are three! So I never did!
So, he was running around bottomless, and I always set his potty out just in case, and he was reading his now favourite book "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" (Again... Thanks Grandma Wendy!) and all of a sudden he says "Oh... pee!" and gets up and run to his potty and pees in it! I WAS FLOORED!! Needless to say, that's been occupying a bit of time! He'll now wear underwear and say when he needs to pee! Poop is still an issue, but we'll get there! We had a "freak" snow storm today. (If there is such a thing in Alberta) When Dad got home from work, Brant and Dad decided to go out and shovel! Couldn't miss that photo opp! Oddly enough, Brant has JUST begun to show an interest in shoveling because we couldn't get him to touch that thing all winter! But he had a hoot out there with Dad! A few pictures as he's so cute!

Ok, one more cute shoveling one!

Sorry, I lied! Brant was just having a great time! He'll be an even better help next winter! And then of course... the inevitable snow ball fight! Than of course, the snow was perfect for a snowman! Brant hasn't built a snowman yet, the snow has been yucky! So today was perfect! Then, it turned into a "Yoda" snowman! (All Colin...)

Then of course the SMASHING of the snowman!

Hey... don't look at me! Brant started it! :P

Wow... what the update!

Here's one of the LA#2...

I've just sort of popped! I feel huge! Way bigger than Brant! This kid LOVES my ribcage and my bladder! Must be a tall kid! He seems to be a bit more mellow than Brant, which might be nice! Brant is definitely 'ON THE GO' personality and it takes a bit to keep up with him! BUT - he a super happy kid, so we're so glad to have him in the family!

Impending labor has me nervous! Somedays I'm all for it, others I just want to sit and cry!! But it will all work out in the end!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Going Green...

So, I was watching CBC's Marketplace the other day. The episode was about "Lousy Labels" (To view episode click here: ), and while I only actually used one of the products on their Top 10 List and not because it was "natural" (it smelled pretty), it really made me start to think about all the chemicals we use in our homes on a daily basis. I was happy to know that because I have Brant in cloth diapers (98% of the time) I'm at least sparing him the plethora of chemicals in disposables and their wipes. Also, I was pleased to know that the laundry detergent I use doesn't have any added toxins or carcinogens, and while it's about 3 dollars more for a tin of it I don't mind spending a tiny bit more for non-toxic laundry detergent. But then I started doing a bit of research on the internet looking into what types of chemicals are in our everyday cleaning, personal care products and especially baby products that we can start avoiding. I obviously can't go out and replace everything in my house RIGHT NOW, but we ran out of baby wash and shampoo and hand soap this week so I was sure, when I went out to replace them, to read the labels and look for products without these chemicals. ( While the hand soap I bought was a bit pricer than normal hand soap (I also didn't shop around for the best deal, which I will do next time), I actually didn't pay a ton more for baby wash and shampoo. (A large bottle of his normal baby wash is about $10.00 and I bought two baby washes for $5.99 wach) I also looked online for natural cleaning products to clean the house. I found this neat website ( that gives all the instructions on how to MAKE your own cleaning kit using normal everyday ingredients. Vinegar, baking soda, borax and essential oils. I'm sure lots of you have heard of stuff like this, but I'm really excited to start trying this out! I still have cleaning products in the house but when I run out of those I will be mixing some up. I think it will be a great way to save some money and have a 'toxic-free' house. Well, I'm really excited to make the switch and maybe one day when we're 'rich and famous' (or just have our own garden) I'll start growing our own veggies and work on worrying about the food!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

An Anderson update...

This awful weather if sure playing on my moods! Ick!
My last post was kind of depressing and I wanted to get back on here and reassure you (well those of you who bother to read my posts) everything is fine!
Every now and then I get really REALLY stressed about our budget and finances. It's hard not to. I will sometimes get an idea in my head and want Colin to work oil field for a few months and make some real money just to get us out of debt a bit and I get all obsessed over it for a few days and then I calm down. It's so hard to see others making so much more and I feel so inadequate sometimes.
BUT - I usually calm down, look at our budget again and things don't look as bad as they did before! It also helps me to see the blessings of tithing! We've never been extremely strapped for money and we've never starved, so someone is looking out for us!
Anywho, I really need some sun, like badly! I've been such an awful mood these past few days, with the constant snow and crummy roads, it's hard not to. I wouldn't even mind the sub-zero temperatures if there was bright sun shining! The sun just seems to make things happier! All of us have been sick (runny noses, coughs, headaches) for over a month and I seriously attribute that to weather!
This pregnancy has been fun! I go through spurts of energy, where my house is spotless and I find myself trying to find things to clean, tidy, do... but then I find that I can overexhert myself and I end up on the couch with cramps for a few days. Little boy #2 is quite active, but thankfully he still let's me sleep at night!
I have to admit I'm getting nervous and excited about delivery! I had such an awful time with Brant and this time I feel a bit more 'prepared' in regards to a birth plan and such and I'm more adament about what I WANT from this labour (within medical reason).
We've learned that Colin's parents will be moving back to Canada this summer. We're pretty excited! We'll have grandparents nearby to help out and they'll be close enough to see them more often. I know they are pretty excited to be living closer, especially since they are expecting 2 new grandbabies this year!
My sister is getting married in September too! So, I'll be helping her plan her wedding, as much as I can being pregnant and having a baby in July. It's kind of exciting! Especially considering a few years ago she said she didn't want to get married and she's even admitted being open to maybe one day having a kid or two. LOL! So maybe ONE DAY I will be an auntie! (on my side) *fingers crossed*
Well, that's about it for now! Besides the fact we're PRAYING for some sun! I'm sick of being stuck indoors all day long! Spring just can't come soon enough!
Have a snowy day everyone!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I just can't wait to grow up...

I don't know about you, but I remember when I was younger thinking when I grew up I'd get married, have beautiful kids and have a hard-working, high-earning husband and life would be hunky dorey! We'd have a beautiful house and while we wouldn't have anything, we would save and have things to look forward to.
Well... gosh! No one really fills you in on the reality of it all. Sure you can have most or all of those things, but no one really prepares you for the decisions that need to be made as an adult.
Life these days has been a little tense, there have been a few developments come about and it's difficult to judge what to do.
Prayer sometimes seems to futile, like we never get any answers. That or we are so busy with things to really notice the Lord's hand in anything. I see little blessings in our lives everywhere. Blessings of tithing and such, but I feel like we keep going round and round in a stupid little circle only to end up at the same 'dead end'. The definition of Insanity keeps replaying in my mind: doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Again, running in circles... we get ahead and then something unexpected comes along and we're back where we started!
Please don't get me wrong, I love my family. I couldn't have married a harder working, wonderful person, but some days it just becomes so overwhelming. I don't mind being in the 'lower class' working our way up, but things don't seem to be going up, they seem to stay at the constant 'status quo' and we don't get anywhere.
I know things will look up, it just get's to me some days.
But here's to the days where we will be more settled...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rollercoaster of a Family Day Weekend...

Wow... well let's just say that this past weekend was a rollercoaster ride...

Colin and I had planned to go down to Calgary to 'play' with good friends we hadn't seen in a long time. We were SOOO looking forward to seeing these friends and enjoying a weekend away from Red Deer.

It was so good to see them! They have 2 kids and we have Brant, and our kids got along great!

What was really sad was, as parents, as soon as our kids were in bed, we didn't know what to do with ourselves. We all actually wanted to go to bed! LOL But we 'perservered' and made sugary snacks and played games and joked around. It was fun.

Sunday was interesting. Our friend's oldest child was diagnosed with a mental illness that has delayed his development and they were nervous to go to church. Their son had spent the majority of his life from 1 years old to now, screaming out in the halls to where church for them was such a chore. BUT, what was so awesome was that this Sunday, whether it was because he was older, had a friend (Brant) or whatnot, he spent the entire 2 hr block in Nursery!! I saw how it was such a huge relief for both Mom and Dad, and I hope that it continues this way!

I also, on Sunday developed a really sore... eyeball, eyebrow and top jaw... We narrowed it down to clogged sinuses! I had such a headache, we got saline flush stuff and I tried tylenol. Yeah, tylenol is such a JOKE!! Wouldn't even touch it! I felt AWFUL! I was sooo looking forward to having fun and socializing with other ADULTS!! Instead I spent it on their couch with tylenol and an ice pack.

Monday didn't get much better in the heahache department. But we all went out to Chinook mall and walked around. Finally after going crazy with this pain I decided I either needed to see a doctor in Calgary or go to the ER in Red Deer (when we got home). I was taken to the nearest open walk in clinic and waited for an hour and half. Then diagnosed with a sinus infection. I've never had one and they are yucky!!! I was given antibiotics and made the long trip home.

The antibiotics didn't start kickin in till about 48 hrs, so I still had a headache and clogged sinuses for a couple more days. My house looks like a tornado hit it but my head hurts so bad!! Colin mentioned taking my contacts out to see if that helped. NOPE! They make me a bit dizzy but my glasses pinch the bridge of my nose! So I chose the lesser of the two evils... contacts!

Anywho, Monday night it was so nice to see my own bed. As it ALWAYS is after being away. We went to bed early, me because I had this infection, Colin because he was starting to get a bit of a cold and Brant because he was beside himself exhausted. We all slept soundly until a familiar noise came from Brant's room at 2 am. Brant had thrown up 5 times. On the carpet, on his bed, on his bedding and of course all over himself. Colin had to deal with the puke, or he'd have been dealing with adult puke as well as kid puke. I dealt with Brant. Stripped him in the shower while he's screaming. We gave him a gravol suppository and I ran out to Shopper's for pedialyte and stuff for Colin. But by the time I got back Brant had passed out with Dad in our bed. Colin then called the other seminary teacher to ask her to take his class and he called in to work. (Colin NEVER calls in to work!!) We all spent the day in bed. But by the afternoon, Brant was his same cheery self.

I had also learned on Tuesday, a good friend of mine from high school, her youngest son had a terrible accident on the weekend. He's 17 months old and pulled a skillet of hot oil on himself and is now in the Calgary Children's hopsital. It was so awful to hear about it, and even worse seeing pictures. I can't imagine how it must feel, but it's interesting how much more these kinds of accidents hit home once you're a mom! For those who know Brittany and Tim Anderson, there is a blog they are writing for those interested in his time there. And if you have room in your hearts for a little fast or prayer on their behalf it would be very much appreciated as they do have a long way to go!

Tuesday came, Colin went back to work loaded with Advil Cold and Sinus and I was still feeling like someone had beat me with a brick. I opted for peanut butter sandwiches and movies all day. We were then rudely awakened by the previous tenant of this place.
**Little background** we moved in July 1st. These previous tenants 'never knew' they could contact the post office and have their mail forwarded. We kept recieving their mail, like almost all of their mail. We contacted our landlord to see if she knew any new contact info for this couple and she didn't. I tried looking them up in the phone book and such with no luck. We held on to it for about 4 months but it seriously kept piling and piling. We did take some to the post office but after so long with no one coming by I threw it out, and basically anything that looked 'unimportant' since.
So... the previous tenant after, oh let's see, 7 months... stops by asking for their mail. I'm like seriously?? I gave them what had come recently in the mail, but he was looking for his T4. I don't recall throwing it out because that is a piece of mail I would deem 'important', but I guess I must have. He came by RIGHT at nap time and then came by at naptime on Wednesday. We've searched for his T4, but no luck. But seriously, what does he think I am? His personal mail service? Geez... Sure I feel bad for throwing it out, but after 7 months with NO CONTACT or forwarding information what was I supposed to do?

Anywho, it's Thursday and Brant woke up throwing up again. Just a little bit and Colin felt really sick this morning, so he stayed home again. Once again, Brant is completely happy again and Colin and I feel like we could sleep for a week! Ahh... the life of parents and responsible adults... yick!

Well that's all going on in our neck of the woods. Hope everyone had a wonderful Family Day weekend!

Ultrasound Pictures...

So, Here's our new little boy! This profile looks a lot like Brant did!! So it will be interesting to see what this guy looks like when he comes out!

Here's our little guy's foot!!

So, here's our new little boy...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

And the verdict is...

So, today was our ultrasound day!
It was so exciting to see our little one and watch that little heart going nuts! It was so cute...
Then came finding out the gender...

Our family has a running joke. When my sister was just about 3-4 years old, my little cousin Michael was born. We, as little girls were obsessed with babies. We wanted to help feed him, rock him, play with him... and then came bathing him. My sister, being so young, didn't realise the difference between boys and girls. My cousin was bathing her son, and Paige and I were watching. All of a sudden Paige let's out a gasp of horror saying... "Mommy, that baby has a toe on his bum!!" Thus started the running joke...

So, our little one has a toe on it's bum!
There is a tid bit of gender disappointment as I had a girl name picked and NO boy names, and I was secretly hoping for a girl!
BUT... it's not our last babe, and when I really think about it, a boy is more economical for us right now!
Colin's excited Brant will have a little brother, as he was kind of nervous about whether or not it would be a girl.
I have to admit, when I married Colin and was pretty confident I was going to have a house full of boys! But I can't help hoping!!
Brant had a bit of a freak out in the ultrasound room. He saw the baby and wanted to 'touch it' and when we told him it's in 'mommy's tummy' and he put two and two together he wanted to leave. LOL, so he's already doing the ignore the new baby thing! GREEEEAAAAATTTT!
But everything looked great and normal, and we even got to see a cute yawn!!! It was sooooooooo adorable!
That's all for now... I'll try and upload the ultrasound pictures soon!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Pink or Blue...

So, I keep being asked if we are going to find out what sex this baby is.

We wanted to find out with Brant, because I totally wanted a boy! I was so thrilled to learn he was blue...

This time around we still want to find out but I don't care what it is.

People ask "So, would you like a boy or a girl?"

My only response is... both. While I'm obviously (and gratefully) NOT pregnant with twins, I would be thrilled with either gender, for the same reason.

I would LOVE a boy because I already have a boy. I have all the boy clothes, toys and bedding. For me a boy would be very 'economical'... lol! They could also share a room longer...

I would LOVE a girl because... I already have a boy. I want the curly ribbons, frilly bottom tights and pink dresses. I would like something different.

Colin's scared to have a girl. I'm trying to reasure him that Daddy's love their little girls, and while he says he 'believes' me, I don't think he's totally sold on the idea!!

But, we find out on Thursday hopefully if baby is relatively 'immodest'.

I'll be sure to update my blog once we find out!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Poked and prodded!

Soo today was our first actual pre-natal appointment.
Of course that includes being poked and prodded by my doctor, not the most pleasant thing, but we did get to hear the heartbeat! FINALLY!! It's a good strong 150 bpm. My grandmother is convinced that means it's a girl, but Brant's heartrate was always high too. After all the STUPID confusion over my pre-natal care, we finally had proof that those movements down there aren`t from an over active bowel. LOL

I also haven`t been posting a lot of pictures lately. I feel awful. But MY computer has passed on, or should I say my video card on my motherboard burnt out. (my fault, hehehe) I`m really sad as I have all my pictures and videos uploaded on there. I can still access it, but it`s really hard to see my screen! I can hook it up to my TV but it`s difficult with a little tyke running around touching everything, I promise to update facebook and my blog soon with pics!

LA#2 is still active as ever! I'm probably going to have another active child on my hands! It's getting stronger everyday and I'm starting to feel it on the outside, especially those great big kicks! Brant still has no idea what's going on, he heard the heartbeat too and just starred at the doppler. It was cute.

But that's all going on right now, I'm trying to update this often, mostly for my benefit as well as those who enjoy viewing a snapshot into our pretty boring lives! LOL

Thursday, February 3, 2011

All couped up...

Albeit it is my fault...
I thought I had changed all our addresses over when we moved back in JULY, but the other day I needed to take out my license for something and noticed I hadn't changed our address on those. YIKES!
So on the 22nd of January we went and got them changed, realizing that our car registration was due at the end of January. Oooppps...! So Registry Alberta obviously sent our vehicle registration to our old address (which is no longer being forwarded to us) and therefore we didn't get it!! So we're getting a bit of Cabin Fever stuck in this house until we get our NEW registration papers so I can go and register our cars! They said it would take 5-10 business days to get both the licenses and the registration. Well we got our licenses after 4 business days and tomorrow is 10 business days and we're still waiting for the car registration. Ugg... I hope it comes tomorrow because if it doesn`t we`ll be driving illegally to church! :O!!
I'm also going a little stir crazy cause I don't want to go anywhere in case I get pulled over! I really don't need a ticket, but I have things I'd like to do!!
Oh well, as long as I have a car by Monday for my Dr's appointment!

LA#2 is way too active! I'm surprised I can't feel it on the outside yet! I've had some pretty strong KICKS!
Brant didn't get up at 3 this morning, instead he got up at 5. So a bit better! I just get frustrated because between 3 and 7 I sleep the best, so when I miss that time frame I feel like I've only dazed all night and I'm a grump the whole day!

That's my latest vent, not too crazy, but that's what's going on in my life right now!
Hope everyone is doing well!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sleepless in Red Deer!!

I'm going crazy! I heard a few places that 2 year olds sleep as terrible as newborns, but I thought we had left that stage!!
Since putting Brant in a toddler bed he comes into our room first thing in the morning (around 730) and tells us he's 'ungree' (hungry). Not a huge deal as we can get him to lay with us (or me) for about another 1/2 hour.
But for the last about 2 weeks he's been getting up CONSTANTLY at 3am. Not crying, or frightened or mad or anything. It appears to be out of sheer boredom. He cuddles for a bit and then tries to start playing with Colin! Yeah... it doesn't fly! Then poor Colin spends the next hour and half trying to put him back to sleep, and then of course jumps in the shower so he can go teach seminary! Poor man hasn't had enough sleep in a few weeks. Needless to say I haven't either, but my job is a little less demanding as I can stay in PJs all day if I want. But, it's getting tiresome! I know I would deal with it better if I wasn't pregnant and exhausted all the time, but poor pregnant mommy needs her sleep! I already lay awake in bed for about an hour while LA#2 does somersaults and what not, and then wake up at least once a night to pee and then wait while LA#2 does more wiggling, it's hard to have LA#1 do the same.
We have a bit of a bedtime routine, but for the past 2 weeks, Brant has been going through the motions of bedtime, yawning, rubbing eyes... yada yada yada, but the second we put him down, apparently he's got a ton of energy! I tried (considering he's so 'tired') moving his bedtime back 1/2 hr to catch him yawning and rubbing his eyes, but the same result ensues.
He will get out of bed... over, and over, and over and over and over for about 2 hrs. It get's totally tiring and frustrating as he thinks this is a game.
Then after waking up at 3 and then up by 7, he looks completely exhausted but I can't get him back to sleep!
He complains he's hungry, so I load him up with oatmeal before bed, still complains he's hungry while putting him to bed and wakes up at 3.
I'm at the end of my rope, I can't imagine doing this in July with a new baby AND a stubborn toddler!
Any advice would be appreciated!

P.S. - I feel bad complaining about this because I know I don't have the most sleepless baby out there, but after a year of sleeping through the night and then this? I'm going zombie!

Friday, January 28, 2011

"Birth Control" and book beef...

So here's my update so far...
I'm 17 weeks on Saturday and still feeling pretty nauseous most of the time. I feel like it's getting better but every time I say that it comes back with avengence.
My days have been pretty boring. Too sick to do anything that requires standing for a long period of time as I have low blood pressure when I'm pregnant and feel dizzy very easily. That should be subsiding here... I hope!
I've been letting Brant watch movies while I sit on the couch and cuddle with him and read books.
LA#2 must be startin' to do cartwheels! I can feel him/her dancing most nights. I can't feel on the outside yet, but sure makes my tummy wiggle!
Colin has been getting up at 4:30 every morning this week to work out with a friend. my goodness that's early! The poor man has been responsible for getting me a glass of milk before I puke. He's been so good to me!!
So... I've been reading these past few days. I'm reading the Twilight Series again for the umpteenth time and while I findly them mind numbingly entertaining, I do have a beef! I mean, I don't know about you guys, but I find them really outlandish and crazy! I think it's going to give this generation a twisted sense of love and how men really act.
I have a wonderful husband, he takes care of us and most of the time goes out of his way to help out, but NEVER in all our dating or married years ever acted like Edward.
I know he loves me, but man that sense of obsession and compulsive behaviour is tiresome to read sometimes! Meh... that's my beef with Twilight. I haven't even really put my finger on it, I enjoy them but hope other (young) readers understand that love and life (especially men) aren't like that!! (and if they are... I'm missing somethin...)
But... Anyone know of any good books? I love Dan Brown, but I've read all his books. I've started The Hunger Games Series, hopefully starting Catching Fire next week. (after I finish Twilight again... lol)
I love fiction or anything that will take my mind away from reality for a bit!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I LOVE being pregnant!

The title holds true! I do love being pregnant, and get more excited everyday for a new little one! We are having so much fun with Brant and can't wait to add a little brother or sister to the mix! Everytime I ask Brant "do you want a brother or sister?" he replies "sister" and if I ask him "do you want a sister or brother?" he replies "brother". LOL so we'll see!
BUT- I hate being pregnant AND sick!
I started getting a sore throat on friday, nothing serious just a little uncomfortable. But as a child I had scarlet fever and ever since have been super paranoid about sore throats, so off to the doctor I went for a swab. Monday night I developed a lovely cough and congested chest and last night I got a more pronounced clogged nose and sneezes. I mean I'm already clogged up at bedtime when I lie down, but now I'm clogged all the time! And it's continually draining down my throat which doesn't help my (non-exsistent) gag reflex!
So I'm stuck at home shootin saline up my nose and hanging out by the humidifier all day, and most likely all of tomorrow!
Oh well, that my update. I haven't felt baby move for a while, but not a huge concern as I'm still only 15 weeks, but I try and feel every now and then!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pre-Natal Update!

So, it's been a few days since the Midwife incident and I'm starting to get think about writing a letter. So I'll be getting on that soon.
But - I have since had a blessing and been praying A LOT to find the best place for me to be with this pregnancy. I wasn't actually going to call the clinic I go to because of how they run their pre-natals. (rotating through 8 different doctors and whoever is on call delivers your baby), but I prayed about it and felt good calling.
I really like my doctor, Dr. Kopp. I've only been to a meet and greet and he seemed alright, but after this pre-natal inital consultation I felt really comfortable. I have my fingers, toes AND eyes crossed he's the one on call when I go into labor. He was extremelly personable and considerate of my feelings about certain aspects of delivery and certain OB's. I'm assuming he's so understandable and personable because he hasn't yet been calloused by the years of seeing the same thing over and over again. But I hope that doesn't happen!
We didn't hear the heartbeat today, I should have asked but I didn't. But like I said I feel flutterings now and then and am still sick as a dog so I assume things are doing well. As Dr. Kopp said, being sick is a great sign I have a healthy placenta! Oh yippee... just FIX IT!!! LOL
I have another appointment in 3 weeks for all the loverly exam things they do and most likely a heartbeat! YAY!!! And I'm also booked for an U/S on the 17th of February, so I'm starting to get really excited.
Seeing this doctor today maybe feel more excited about this pregnancy, so I'm going to assume I'm on the right track with Heavenly Father, whom after my last L&D experience, I will NEVER ignore again! I'm leaving this ALL up to Him.
That's all for now, I'm still nauseous most days but my energy levels are rising, and things are looking great... I can even see the sun!!!
Happy January everyone!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Super Disappointment!

as per the title, this might be a bit of a rant/venting session.
As you know Colin and I are expecting our second little Anderson.
Before we found out we were expecting I can contacted a local group of midwives for some information about their practice and when I should contact them... etc.
I found out I was pregnant on November 5th, I remember because a wonderful lady in our ward passed that day and... I have the email that I sent to midwives in my sent folder saying that was the day I emailed them. Coincidently, I emailed them BEFORE I even told Colin I was pregnant. Does that not tell you something about how badly I wanted a midwife? I wrote them telling them I was pregnant and my due date. (which I emailed them my due date TWICE!)
Anywho, they wanted to schedule me for a 'consultation' December 3rd, which didn't work for us because they wanted 'my partner' to be there. I told them it didn't because 'my partner' worked. (incidently, what 'partners' don't work in the middle of the week in the middle of the day?) They then scheduled me for December 17th at 5:30 which worked somewhat for us and was the earliest they could see me.
**SIDE NOTE** There are only 2 midwives practicing in the Red Deer area and I understand they are in high demand so the waiting for 6 weeks to meet them was understandable... at the time!
A couple weeks later (me being 7 weeks) they cancel the 'consultation' and reschedule it for Wednesday, January 5th at 6:00pm. (making me 13 1/2 weeks!) I agreed, again understanding that women don't always go into labor at the most convenient times and they were just starting up their practice.
Not a word from them from them on.
January 5th comes, we were on time but they were running late. Ok, fine... I would want them to take as much time with me as they needed, isn't that why I wanted a midwife? None of this in and out the door in 10 minutes stuff?
So 'my partner' and I head in for our 'consultation'/AUDITION...
**SIDE NOTE** Colin is the early morning seminary teacher and gets up every morning around 5:30am. Brant has also decided to 'try' and cut his back molars this month! So we had been up multiple times in the night the past week AND Colin had been out side in minus WHO KNOWS degree weather installing. Needless to say we didn't look the most impressive!
Who would have thought that in order to receive low-intervention, natural pre-natal care I would need to sell myself?
They ask us what we know about midwives, why do I want a midwife, previous labor experience etc etc... My due date... AGAIN!
In the end they said we needed to go home and discuss if we felt midwives were the way we wanted to go. Colin and I looked at each other perplexed! Um... wasn't the fact that I'd waited 2 months with no pre-natal care tell you that I wanted a midwife? I stated that we were there because we wanted a midwife, we had discussed it but they still insisted we 'talk' about it. Whether or not that was their cheap cowardly way of saying "we don't want to take you on as a client" who knows! But it was pathetic!
So, I went home 13 1/2 weeks pregnant with still no certainty to my pre-natal care. I waited till the following Monday. Wrote them a pleasant email, stating that we were comfortable going forward with midwife care etc etc, and FIVE days later (I'm now 14 1/2 weeks) get an email stating they are too full in July to take me into care.
Oh let me tell you, I was and still am LIVID!
I contacted them as soon as I found out and definitely early enough for them to fit me in. They pushed back my 'consultations/auditions' until I'm sure they already knew July was too busy but were 'too nice' to, I guess, let me know!
Now, to give a bit of history, my doctor decided to resign. He left his practice at the end of November, leaving me with no constant doctor. Which didn't bother me as I was already talking with the midwives about receiving pre-natal care. But now I'm 15 weeks pregnant with no doctor, no midwife and NO pre-natal care!
I know have to call and beg doctor's offices to take me on as a patient hoping they'll take pity on me!
It's all so frustrating! All I wanted was a natural birth, with practitioners who support your choice for a low-intervention, natural birth. Now I have to try and 'shop' for a doctor who will respect that choice and let me and MY body make the decisions.

As much as I'm disgusted at the level of professionalism shown by these 'midwives' and as much as I'm livid, I am actually pretty calm. I feel comforted by Heavenly Father that everything will be fine and this was the way it was supposed to be, but it's always so scary when faced with all the uncertainty!
That's all for now!

Little Anderson #2 (LA#2) is definitely active, I'm 15 weeks and already feeling flutterings! Which calms me a little knowing that things are probably ok! My belly is getting bigger every day but I asked Colin if "I was starting to look pregnant or if I was just looking fat?" and he refused to answer the question, which tells me I still just look fat! BUT I can tell it's a bump! :)