Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Has Spring Sprung??

Well, it's been a while since I've written anything here, and while since I've taken any pictures! So sorry, no pictures up this time!

It's nice to be able to walk outside in sweaters again! Much easier too!

Colin has been busy with school and I've been busy with... well whatever I feel like. I've been going to the gym running and hanging out at Mom and Tots. Nothing terribly exciting and it seems to be the same week after week!

Colin and I went for a walk today and will hopefully be bbq after school! It's beautiful out! Just as long as Mother Nature lets it continue this way.

We really have no exciting news to report, hence the long silence.

We will be moving hopefully sometime this summer, because Colin will no longer be taking classes here at the college! "Is he done?" you ask? NO, but he will be taking online courses through the University of Athabasca for the next couple years. He will be able to work full time and get a few things paid off!

We are excited to move out of this little tiny place into something a bit bigger and then hopefully in a couple years buy a house!

Well, that's about all right now! I don't think I'm very good at this blogging thing as I never have any witty, funny remarks to write in here!

Oh well, have a great day everyone and enjoy the nice weather while it's here!