Friday, January 28, 2011

"Birth Control" and book beef...

So here's my update so far...
I'm 17 weeks on Saturday and still feeling pretty nauseous most of the time. I feel like it's getting better but every time I say that it comes back with avengence.
My days have been pretty boring. Too sick to do anything that requires standing for a long period of time as I have low blood pressure when I'm pregnant and feel dizzy very easily. That should be subsiding here... I hope!
I've been letting Brant watch movies while I sit on the couch and cuddle with him and read books.
LA#2 must be startin' to do cartwheels! I can feel him/her dancing most nights. I can't feel on the outside yet, but sure makes my tummy wiggle!
Colin has been getting up at 4:30 every morning this week to work out with a friend. my goodness that's early! The poor man has been responsible for getting me a glass of milk before I puke. He's been so good to me!!
So... I've been reading these past few days. I'm reading the Twilight Series again for the umpteenth time and while I findly them mind numbingly entertaining, I do have a beef! I mean, I don't know about you guys, but I find them really outlandish and crazy! I think it's going to give this generation a twisted sense of love and how men really act.
I have a wonderful husband, he takes care of us and most of the time goes out of his way to help out, but NEVER in all our dating or married years ever acted like Edward.
I know he loves me, but man that sense of obsession and compulsive behaviour is tiresome to read sometimes! Meh... that's my beef with Twilight. I haven't even really put my finger on it, I enjoy them but hope other (young) readers understand that love and life (especially men) aren't like that!! (and if they are... I'm missing somethin...)
But... Anyone know of any good books? I love Dan Brown, but I've read all his books. I've started The Hunger Games Series, hopefully starting Catching Fire next week. (after I finish Twilight again... lol)
I love fiction or anything that will take my mind away from reality for a bit!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I LOVE being pregnant!

The title holds true! I do love being pregnant, and get more excited everyday for a new little one! We are having so much fun with Brant and can't wait to add a little brother or sister to the mix! Everytime I ask Brant "do you want a brother or sister?" he replies "sister" and if I ask him "do you want a sister or brother?" he replies "brother". LOL so we'll see!
BUT- I hate being pregnant AND sick!
I started getting a sore throat on friday, nothing serious just a little uncomfortable. But as a child I had scarlet fever and ever since have been super paranoid about sore throats, so off to the doctor I went for a swab. Monday night I developed a lovely cough and congested chest and last night I got a more pronounced clogged nose and sneezes. I mean I'm already clogged up at bedtime when I lie down, but now I'm clogged all the time! And it's continually draining down my throat which doesn't help my (non-exsistent) gag reflex!
So I'm stuck at home shootin saline up my nose and hanging out by the humidifier all day, and most likely all of tomorrow!
Oh well, that my update. I haven't felt baby move for a while, but not a huge concern as I'm still only 15 weeks, but I try and feel every now and then!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pre-Natal Update!

So, it's been a few days since the Midwife incident and I'm starting to get think about writing a letter. So I'll be getting on that soon.
But - I have since had a blessing and been praying A LOT to find the best place for me to be with this pregnancy. I wasn't actually going to call the clinic I go to because of how they run their pre-natals. (rotating through 8 different doctors and whoever is on call delivers your baby), but I prayed about it and felt good calling.
I really like my doctor, Dr. Kopp. I've only been to a meet and greet and he seemed alright, but after this pre-natal inital consultation I felt really comfortable. I have my fingers, toes AND eyes crossed he's the one on call when I go into labor. He was extremelly personable and considerate of my feelings about certain aspects of delivery and certain OB's. I'm assuming he's so understandable and personable because he hasn't yet been calloused by the years of seeing the same thing over and over again. But I hope that doesn't happen!
We didn't hear the heartbeat today, I should have asked but I didn't. But like I said I feel flutterings now and then and am still sick as a dog so I assume things are doing well. As Dr. Kopp said, being sick is a great sign I have a healthy placenta! Oh yippee... just FIX IT!!! LOL
I have another appointment in 3 weeks for all the loverly exam things they do and most likely a heartbeat! YAY!!! And I'm also booked for an U/S on the 17th of February, so I'm starting to get really excited.
Seeing this doctor today maybe feel more excited about this pregnancy, so I'm going to assume I'm on the right track with Heavenly Father, whom after my last L&D experience, I will NEVER ignore again! I'm leaving this ALL up to Him.
That's all for now, I'm still nauseous most days but my energy levels are rising, and things are looking great... I can even see the sun!!!
Happy January everyone!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Super Disappointment!

as per the title, this might be a bit of a rant/venting session.
As you know Colin and I are expecting our second little Anderson.
Before we found out we were expecting I can contacted a local group of midwives for some information about their practice and when I should contact them... etc.
I found out I was pregnant on November 5th, I remember because a wonderful lady in our ward passed that day and... I have the email that I sent to midwives in my sent folder saying that was the day I emailed them. Coincidently, I emailed them BEFORE I even told Colin I was pregnant. Does that not tell you something about how badly I wanted a midwife? I wrote them telling them I was pregnant and my due date. (which I emailed them my due date TWICE!)
Anywho, they wanted to schedule me for a 'consultation' December 3rd, which didn't work for us because they wanted 'my partner' to be there. I told them it didn't because 'my partner' worked. (incidently, what 'partners' don't work in the middle of the week in the middle of the day?) They then scheduled me for December 17th at 5:30 which worked somewhat for us and was the earliest they could see me.
**SIDE NOTE** There are only 2 midwives practicing in the Red Deer area and I understand they are in high demand so the waiting for 6 weeks to meet them was understandable... at the time!
A couple weeks later (me being 7 weeks) they cancel the 'consultation' and reschedule it for Wednesday, January 5th at 6:00pm. (making me 13 1/2 weeks!) I agreed, again understanding that women don't always go into labor at the most convenient times and they were just starting up their practice.
Not a word from them from them on.
January 5th comes, we were on time but they were running late. Ok, fine... I would want them to take as much time with me as they needed, isn't that why I wanted a midwife? None of this in and out the door in 10 minutes stuff?
So 'my partner' and I head in for our 'consultation'/AUDITION...
**SIDE NOTE** Colin is the early morning seminary teacher and gets up every morning around 5:30am. Brant has also decided to 'try' and cut his back molars this month! So we had been up multiple times in the night the past week AND Colin had been out side in minus WHO KNOWS degree weather installing. Needless to say we didn't look the most impressive!
Who would have thought that in order to receive low-intervention, natural pre-natal care I would need to sell myself?
They ask us what we know about midwives, why do I want a midwife, previous labor experience etc etc... My due date... AGAIN!
In the end they said we needed to go home and discuss if we felt midwives were the way we wanted to go. Colin and I looked at each other perplexed! Um... wasn't the fact that I'd waited 2 months with no pre-natal care tell you that I wanted a midwife? I stated that we were there because we wanted a midwife, we had discussed it but they still insisted we 'talk' about it. Whether or not that was their cheap cowardly way of saying "we don't want to take you on as a client" who knows! But it was pathetic!
So, I went home 13 1/2 weeks pregnant with still no certainty to my pre-natal care. I waited till the following Monday. Wrote them a pleasant email, stating that we were comfortable going forward with midwife care etc etc, and FIVE days later (I'm now 14 1/2 weeks) get an email stating they are too full in July to take me into care.
Oh let me tell you, I was and still am LIVID!
I contacted them as soon as I found out and definitely early enough for them to fit me in. They pushed back my 'consultations/auditions' until I'm sure they already knew July was too busy but were 'too nice' to, I guess, let me know!
Now, to give a bit of history, my doctor decided to resign. He left his practice at the end of November, leaving me with no constant doctor. Which didn't bother me as I was already talking with the midwives about receiving pre-natal care. But now I'm 15 weeks pregnant with no doctor, no midwife and NO pre-natal care!
I know have to call and beg doctor's offices to take me on as a patient hoping they'll take pity on me!
It's all so frustrating! All I wanted was a natural birth, with practitioners who support your choice for a low-intervention, natural birth. Now I have to try and 'shop' for a doctor who will respect that choice and let me and MY body make the decisions.

As much as I'm disgusted at the level of professionalism shown by these 'midwives' and as much as I'm livid, I am actually pretty calm. I feel comforted by Heavenly Father that everything will be fine and this was the way it was supposed to be, but it's always so scary when faced with all the uncertainty!
That's all for now!

Little Anderson #2 (LA#2) is definitely active, I'm 15 weeks and already feeling flutterings! Which calms me a little knowing that things are probably ok! My belly is getting bigger every day but I asked Colin if "I was starting to look pregnant or if I was just looking fat?" and he refused to answer the question, which tells me I still just look fat! BUT I can tell it's a bump! :)