Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tunk er Tweet...

So last night we had our ward Trunk or Treat and Halloween party!

It was a lot of fun! There are a lot of games, but as per usual Brant spent most of the time seeing how far he could get in the shortest amount of time.

He wanted to be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween. We finally found him a size 2T costume and of course had to give him eye brows as he really doesn't have any!

HAHA... had to pick the picture with the cheesiest grin!

We also played lots of games, during the times I could get him to stop running! He really liked the bean bag toss, and he was really good at it!

For some reason Brant really liked walking back and forth through this streamer thing. It was hilarious!

And then of course... Trunk or Treating!

I tried to get Brant to say "trick or treat" but after trying I was TOLD by an 8 year old that it's "trunk or treat" I tried to get him to say "trunk or treat". After the first few cars he was completely disinterested. Muttering 'fank oo' (thank you) to everyone. When we were done he couldn't wait to let go of my hand and RUN AWAY!!

This was so fun, Brant is now allowed to wear his Buzz costume all the time! He loves it, and cries when I try to take it off!

Well, that's all for now!


Friday, October 29, 2010

Toy Story 3!

So I met a new friend at Mom and Tots this week and she mentioned that she likes to take her kids (she has 3) to the movie theatre every now and then. Well I just thought Brant should be older before we head to a theatre and make him sit through a movie. But, he sit's and watched both Toy Story and Toy Story 2 at home so I figured we'd be pretty safe with Toy Story 3.
Well, we invited our new friends to go with us. Brant thought it was pretty fun! We got him a booster seat and some popcorn and he had it made.
He sat nicely through most of it, got up a few times, but we both had a good time.
I'll have to take him some other time to a different movie and see how he does.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sweet Is the Peace...

The Temple Brings.

It's been pretty hectic around here lately, with Colin in seminary, working full time and Me, working part-time and keeping a house running including finances, it's been easy to get stressed with the lack of time. It's been easy to get frustrated with our miss-matched schedules and meetings to get to and fitting family time in when we can.

Colin and I decided it was time to go to the Temple. We hadn't been in a loooong time, and actually can't remember the last time we went. So last minute we decided to find a sitter and head on up.

We were determined to get answers. We had been feeling ok with the way things were going, maybe a little stressed about Colin being in seminary and not in school, but we we're doing ok otherwise. We had been getting conflicting advice and feelings about how everything was going from just about everywhere and everyone. We felt we really needed a solid answer to how we were to go about the next couple years.

As we sat in the Celestial Room ( we were the last ones to leave! ), we both had the feeling that we were both doing what we needed to do. I also had a special witness telling me there are only 3 people involved in a marriage, Heavenly Father, Husband and Wife. No one else. So regardless of what might be said, we have that testimony that we are doing all we can and Heavenly Father is happy with where we are.

It's been hard, but it's been fun and will continue to be that way. I know that by following the promptings we recieved in the Temple we will be blessed, not sure how but we will.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Despite popular opinion or belief, Colin and I know what we are doing!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What to blog about??

I always have such a hard time thinking about what to blog about as I don't think my life is all that interesting!
But I figured I should try!

We are having Thanksgiving this weekend here for Colin's siblings and we are excited about it! I love turkey and laughing till my stomach hurts! So it should be a good time!

Right now, Colin and I are in the process of discussing about having another babe. Well, it's a very touchy subject for me as Brant's birth was absolutely horrific! I am so scared to do that again! So I've been doing some reading and have thought about researching about midwives. They are covered by AHC and work on the baby's schedule and not work around plane tickets to Hawaii. But I'm curious to as whether or not they accept VBAC patients. So we'll have to see.

We are also in the process of paying off our debt. I'm working about 5-6 shifts a month and that pay is devoted to our debt. So, after crunching numbers and deadlines we figure if we work really really hard, and live off as little as we can, we can be debt free in about 2 years! But certain things need to paid off before others and some I don't care too much about paying off early. So, we are looking at abou 9 months to pay off a few debts and pay off interest on remaining debts! It's really exciting to look forward to things, like being debt free and possibly entertaining the idea of our own home! **GASP!**

So, for halloween I thought it would be cute to dress Brant up as Tigger or Curious George, but NO, the second he set his eyes on a Buzz Lightyear costume, all hopes of getting him to wear anything else went out the window! So I have this cute little costume for Buzz Lightyear and am really excited to get him all done up!

Colin has started as the new early morning seminary teacher, and it's been an interesting month. I'm trying to be supportive and make time for him to study and prepare lessons but it's tough! Colin was going to take a class for business through Althabasca, but I don't think that's going to happen. He's so busy with seminary and work that he would have NO time to study. So that's a bit discouraging as we are told to get an education but his calling to not allowing time to do so.

Well that's all going on in my life. It may be dull and boring but we love it!