Friday, May 6, 2011

Curse You Genetics.... **CURSE YOU!!**

I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is FLYING by! When I was pregnant with Brant it felt like forever and now I'm already seeing my doctor every 2 weeks. Getting closer!!

I had an appointment on the 2nd and I was shocked to discover I've gained 20 pounds in the last 2 months! I have NO idea where it's going! All the pants and clothes I wore when I was pregnant with Brant still fit! Ok... pants are a bit more snug, but not "You've gained 20 pounds" more snug!!

My GDS (Gestastional Diabetic Screen) came back 5.7, so normal and I'm measuring huge! Here comes the "Are you sure you aren't Gestational Diabetic?" question at EVERY appointment!

I'm apparently only 30 weeks 6 days pregnant, but by my calculation (and like... what do I know!) I'm 31 weeks 6 days. But I'm measuring 35 weeks. (Measuring from pubic bone to the top of the uterus) So the doctor wanted to send me for an ultrasound to rule out extra fluid. I assured her it was just big baby and while she agreed she'd rather be safe than sorry.

So off to an ultrasound I went. Baby looked great and, like I had promised the doctor, measured big! His femur length is already 34 weeks! I guess we're having another long baby!

Here are some cute pictures!!!

He looks soo much like Brant did when we got Brant's ultrasound pictures! So maybe they'll look alike?? The tech said he has hair too and I got to see him 'babbling' to himself!! I was getting soo excited!!

I was also shocked the next day when the doctor CALLED me to let me know the results of my ultrasound! I always just assumed "no news is good news"... (For the most part!) But no, the doctor actually called my house and had a good 5 minute conversation about the ultrasound. Confirming that he was indeed a big boy and there was no extra fluid. We discussed approximate fetal length and weight and precautions we needed to take. I literally almost fell off the couch! I had never had a doctor call because "I thought you would be curious about the results!" I was super impressed and am praying soo hard that she is the doctor on call when I deliver!

But on to the title of my entry... Genetics! I shouldn't be shocked that my babies are large! I'm a healthy person, I don't drink or smoke, never have and also have never done drugs! Not that those always guarentee a large baby, but those who do those things generally have low birth weight babies. I'm also cursed with the genes of big babies!

My grandmother had big babies. Both over 9 pounds. My mother had big babies... me being the smallest at 7 pounds 15 ounces (so one ounce shy of 8 pounds!) and my sister being 10 pounds 4.5 ounces (I think, that or 14.5 ounces!). My Aunt, had she not had all 3 babies early, would have had over 8 pounds babies too! So... I'm just cursed!

I'm not complaining, but seriously reconsidering wanting a girl! I would HATE to pass on this horrible genetic screw up to my poor innocent daughter! LOL

BUT... while we may have big babies, we also, for the most part, have healthy ones! So I should just be grateful for that!!