Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Brant's Birthday Photo Shoot

Since Brant and I are both home sick, I've decided to try and update this thing.
I forgot to add that on Brant's birthday we did a little photo shoot to document it!
It was cold with LOTS of snow and I even got our car stuck, but it was a great 10 minutes! Since Brant's birthday, we got together with family for Christmas. It was fun. We stayed in a hotel in Edmonton with my family and had dinner at my Grandmother's brother's house. Where.... Brant started walking!! He's not walking all the time but he can walk a lot more than he used to!!
For Christmas we also treated ourselves to a new big tv and a Wii. We got a great deal on both and were really excited to set them up! We didn't own anything like this and Colin was tired of watching movies on my 19 inch. But... if he complains now there will be problems!! 42 inches is HUGE!!!
But now it's on to a New Year and we are writing out our resolutions and plans to help stay on course!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that everyone has a wonderful New Year!
~The Andersons

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas and more...

Hello all!!
Merry Christmas!!
Today has been a wonderful day! It started with Colin, Brant and I at home enjoying gift openings by ourselves and then we headed up to Edmonton for dinner with my family!
It's always nice to see everyone and catch up! And who could forget the yearly `Tacky Tourist`gift pool!
It was a nice Christmas! BUT --- the most exciting news is that we have a full fledged walker on our hands! Brant must have decided that he was sick of crawling and just started walkin!
He`s a little shaky, but he`s goin!!! It`s soo cute watching him go! And it brings tears to my eyes to think that this time last year I had a newborn! Awww... I miss him when he was so little!
All in all Santa was good to us this year! Good food, good friends and we`re sad it`s over!
Hope everyone had a great Christmas!
~The Andersons

Thursday, December 17, 2009

First Haircut!

This morning I walked in to get Brant out of bed and broke down and went to get his hair cut! We wanted to get it done on his birthday, but he was a cranky kid and we were so busy!
So today it was! He was pretty good but too little to sit in a car by himself to get his hair cut so he sat on my lap!
I think it's pretty amazing how these hair dressers can work so fast! I guess they would have to with how much these kids move!
Brant thought it was pretty fun, and I just about cried through most of it! Watching them cut off his cute blonde-red hair! But he looks so 'stylin' now!
Brant is getting look more like a little boy every day!
Oh oh where has my baby gone!!! :(

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Today we celebrated Brant's First Birthday! His actual birthday was on the Thursday the 10th, but we decided to throw a little party on Saturday!
On his actual birthday, we didn't really do anything special. Colin worked and studied and Brant was a monster all day. I did, however, manage to get out for a bit and buy 3 cupcakes to have a little family celebration at home. But we then went out to a High School choir and band concert later that evening.
Today we had a breakfast for those who came. There were presents, cupcakes and balloons too!
Needless to say, Brant was more entertained by the balloons than anything else... even his little friends!
It's hard to say how Colin and I feel about our little guy turning 1!! It was a big week for us! I keep saying it's a miracle he survived... (or that we did!!!!) but we are so lucky to have this little fella in our home! He's so happy all the time (well, most of the time) and has taught us a lot!
It's been so interesting to watch him grow and progress over the last year. Just remembering him as a little tiny baby just a year ago, to this huge (almost) walking , talking and learning kid!
We have sure enjoyed having this little boy in our lives and are excited to see what this next year brings!