Friday, January 29, 2010

New people mover...!!!

Well, it's been an interesting week!
Our Oldsmobile has given us nothing but trouble for the last year and a half but we have just been too scared to look at purchasing a new car. Well, this week we had had enough! In the last 6 months this car has cost us more than what the car is worth and we had to decide if we were done pouring money into this car.
We had been given a great offer on a bigger family 8 seater car, and were quite excited about it, but after crunching numbers and figuring for gas and insurance decided this 'bigger' car wasn't worth it just yet as we don't need the space!
We were getting so confused! While we felt it was time for a new car, nothing was working out for us! Until yesterday! I had gone into a dealership looking at used cars and pricing and such when it was brought to my attention that the interests rates on brand new cars has dropped to nothing! (Thanks Toyota for making sticky gas pedals!) So after crunching more numbers found that we could get a BRAND NEW car for cheaper than a used because of the interest rate! We were approved and finally felt that things were working out for us!
We are going to the dealership to get our new car today!
It's amazing how even though we may not see the final result, Heavenly Father knows exactly what we need, when we need it! We are so grateful that this opportunity came up for us and are very excited to have a nice reliable car!
Now just to get better at driving a stick!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Year Snew Year...

Well, the New Year hasn't been too kind to us!
Brant had a bit of a cough but then got better around the 2nd, but I got sick on the 30th with a sore throat and went to the doctor a little late but am on antibiotics. I have never had a cold sore in my life, but this week I have developed... count them... 1...2...3...4...5...6! Yep... S.I.X. cold sores. They hurt soo bad! I've been to the doctor and he gave me some pills (for genital herpes!! But they work for cold sores too! YAY) and now I'm taking 2 prescriptions...
I still feel gross and haven't done much! I feel bad for Colin because he's had to take over a lot of things around the house because I feel like junk. But that means I have the greatest husband ever!
I was also supposed to give a talk in church on Sunday, but called and cancelled because I AM NOT feeling any better yet! I feel bad because I didn't have a hard topic! It would have been easy!
I hope this year starts to look up and that I don't get sick anymore! I don't think I could take another illness! I'm just glad it's me and not Brant! Unfortunately... I can't kiss my little guy!
Brant is still talking and walking lots and he's still making us laugh. He's also almost 13 months!! It's crazy how fast he's growing up and turning into a little boy!!