Monday, June 9, 2014

Why Cardston?

I've thought about writing this for a while, but each time I have a moment to write, I don't feel like writing.

In 2012, Colin and I felt the undeniable prompting to get back to school.  He had been working and teaching early morning seminary and unfortunately school got put on the hold.  Our student loans went into repayment and Colin really had no idea what he was going to do anyway.  So, our prayers yielded a "stay your course", so we stayed put!  BUT, once we had the feeling to head back to school everything just seemed to click.

We didn't have the initial intention of living the way we do now.  We had looked for a few places to live in Lethbridge, each either falling through or we felt unsettled about.  We even gave a landlord a damage deposit which we lost because our student loan came in much lower than we were expecting.

Colin's parents had mentioned on numerous occasions that we should live with them.  I didn't want to, as we'd been our own family unit for 7 years, and was confident we could do this on our own.  But each time we prayed and visited the temple, we had the continued feeling that living with his parents is what we should do.  Colin's parents were going to be building a house in Cardston and it was agreed that Colin would work for his dad the following summer to help frame, sheath, doors, windows, roof, just about anything he could do!  So much to my reluctance, we moved in.

It's been an interesting 2 years thus far, without going into detail.  Colin and I have witnessed so many blessings, and I know his parents have too.  It's been a wonderful learning experience for all of us.  I have gotten to know my in laws better and in turn they have gotten to know me better.  They have a chance to get to know their grand kids, as they were overseas for the boys births, and my kids know their grandparents.

I told Colin before we were even married that I never wanted to live in Cardston, but it's been a wonderful experience.  I KNOW, each time I attend the temple or pray, that this is where we are supposed to be.  We aren't sure why, but I know we've witnessed many wonderful things since doing this.

We will be eternally grateful to Colin's parents for the opportunity we've had to live with them.  For the things they've helped us accomplish and for the things we've helped them accomplish.    Colin and I joke that we feel like it's preparing us to live the Law of Consecration.

We've had a few individuals express their disappointment with our current living situation.  It's been hard to feel judged by people who have no idea what our arrangement is.  By either not choosing to listen or refusing to.

But I KNOW without a doubt, this is where my Heavenly Father wants us.  Whether those people choose to believe this, is up to them!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Glimpse into a normal morning...

Ugh... it's morning already?  I swear I just closed my eyes 15 minutes ago... *sigh*
**Opens eyes**
(Pats self on back)
I survived another night.  The 8 month old only woke up 3 times, the 2 year only screamed for 1/2 hour and the 5 year didn't try to sneak into my bed last night.  Decent night!
Look down to find the 8 month old suckling away, hm, I can't remember when she latched??  Oh well, the flat boob should help me remember which side she needs to nurse on next.  Let's see if I can slip away so I can help get the boys breakfast.
*Sniff, sniff... yesterday's pants still smell clean, and you can't really notice that stain from dinner can you?*
Great, boys are already at each other's throats.  I bet they're fighting over which one gets the green bowl, ugh, *MENTAL NOTE* next time I visit IKEA I must get another set so they can each have their own, green set.
Gee, I wonder what the boys want for breakfast?  Cheerios... or... Cheerios?  Or MAYBE, because I slept in and the 5 year old needs to be to school in 25 minutes, he'll want pancakes?  Isn't that the way it always goes?
"No, sweetheart, I don't have time for pancakes."
This will then lead into a 10 minute breakdown of how he doesn't like anything else and he'll never eat again unless it's pancakes.
Then it's the "get dressed for school" time.
"Can I wear shorts today?"
For the one thousandth time, THERE IS STILL SNOW!
"Brush your teeth!!"  I call down the stairs as the 5 year old gets dressed.
"Mom, I brushed them last night!"
There's the girl!
I walk down the stairs to get her ready for the 2 minute drive to the preschool.  As per usual, her innards have done their job and she's done her usual morning bm covering herself from neck to knee.
A quick throw in the tub, most often, does the trick!
Mmmm... nothing like the smell of a fresh bathed babe, little moment to help make the chaos worth it!
Crap, preschool in 10 minutes!
"Everyone, get your shoes on!"
"Mom, where's my backpack?"  -  "I don't know, where did you leave it?"
"Mama, ah wan to air my boots!"  - "That's fine, hun"  (Yes, at least I don't have to tie those!)
"Mumummummummmmummmuuumm" - "Yes baby girl, I'm comin'!"
"Put on your coat hun, it's cold today!"  -  "I don't WANT to wear a coat, it's not that cold!"
"Fine, at least TAKE your coat!"  -  "Ahhh, mom!  I don't want to..."  Stuffs coat in bag.
Someday he'll get his thermostat set right!
Getting all three in the van isn't too difficult.  5 year old knows how to do his buckles, 2 year old needs help, but he's pretty still... 8 month old despises her car seat.  Arches back, kicks feet but I eventually get all 3 buckles done up right.
Start the... "MOM, can I have song number 8?"... Van...  (Van starts)
"Just a second"
Put van in reverse and check my surroundings and rear view...
Let foot off gas and... "MOM, I want song number 8!"
"Let Mommy back up safely and then I'll change it."
Put van in... "Ok, song number 8 please Mom!" drive. I simultaneously hit the gas while changing the song.  A skill I have learned to master in the last couple months!
The 2 minute drive (literally) is uneventful, just the way I like it.  Unless you call a 5 year old belting "Black or White" by Michael Jackson, eventful.  It is kind of cute though!  **Log that memory away for future!**
Pull up to preschool, 5 year old is screaming at the top of his lungs, his friends name.  Because his friend will, of course, hear him!  Opens the door and bolts in to the building.  I have just been able to put the vehicle in park and he's already in the classroom!  Meanwhile, hearing the shrieks of my other two screaming that they want to come with me.  I sign him in, give him a hug and kiss and send him on his way.  I can't believe how big he's getting!!  *Sigh... oh right, I have the other two in the car!*
Back home we go!
Listening to the last of Michael Jackson, I turn off the van and take a breath.  Phew, another morning down. Woot!
Get the two kids out and stumble in the house to clean up breakfast.
"Mommy, I huuuuuuungry..."  -  "Of course you are hun, you had cheerios for breakfast!"
I swear, cheerios are the world's useless cereal, I might as well feed my children air!
"Ok, apple, banana or orange."  -  "No, mama, cheerios!"
I argue a bit to see if I can get him to eat something a little more substantial than another bowl of 'air'.  Annnnnnnd, we settle on another 'favourite' of ours, the Peanut Butter and Honey.  Ugh...  If there were an Olympic Event in Peanut Butter and Honey sandwich making, I would take the gold!
Well, it's 9 am.  I guess I start on the never-ending story which is Laundry!  Sort, stain treat, measure and start.
"Yes, yes you need a nap don't you!"  -  "Mumuumumumumumum" (Code for "boob, now, please.")
Give the 2 year old the iPad so I can at least get the girl down without interruptions.
I then grope myself to identify which side she needs, find it and throw the other one over my shoulder.
I lay next to my sweet baby girl.  It feels good to know that I can solve all her problems (for now).  Well, at least my breasts can!
Baby out!  I lay an extra minute after I unlatch her to stare at her cute little face.  Oh, how I wish she would stay that way forever.  I wonder what she'll look like in a couple weeks... months... years.  Yikes!
2 year old has turned on Netflix and is watching Kipper or Harold... or... I don't know, they all start to sound the same.
I go and give him a little cuddle and let him play with my hair for few minutes.  Hhhmmm, guess I should really go get him dressed.
"Mama, ah wan my transfermer shert."  -  "Hun, it's dirty, you got yogurt all over it yesterday remember?"
Obviously he doesn't and starts into a mini tantrum about how it's his favourite shirt and some other gibberish I can't quite decipher.  "Alright, alright, here it is!"  I just hope that didn't wake up the girlie!
Thankfully, the 2 year old couldn't care less about what goes on his bottom, as long as he can dress himself.
It can be so frustrating watching him try and try to get those pants up over his bum (which get caught on his diaper), but he continues to assert his independence.  Then the socks... oh socks, how I loathe thee.
"Look mama, I diiiiid it!"  With the fly of his jeans over his left leg and socks on upside down... "Yes hun, you are!  Good job!"  As I carefully fix each item of clothing, I tear up thinking of how big my baby boy is getting, and how soon he won't need me to help him dress.