Monday, March 28, 2011

Going Green...

So, I was watching CBC's Marketplace the other day. The episode was about "Lousy Labels" (To view episode click here: ), and while I only actually used one of the products on their Top 10 List and not because it was "natural" (it smelled pretty), it really made me start to think about all the chemicals we use in our homes on a daily basis. I was happy to know that because I have Brant in cloth diapers (98% of the time) I'm at least sparing him the plethora of chemicals in disposables and their wipes. Also, I was pleased to know that the laundry detergent I use doesn't have any added toxins or carcinogens, and while it's about 3 dollars more for a tin of it I don't mind spending a tiny bit more for non-toxic laundry detergent. But then I started doing a bit of research on the internet looking into what types of chemicals are in our everyday cleaning, personal care products and especially baby products that we can start avoiding. I obviously can't go out and replace everything in my house RIGHT NOW, but we ran out of baby wash and shampoo and hand soap this week so I was sure, when I went out to replace them, to read the labels and look for products without these chemicals. ( While the hand soap I bought was a bit pricer than normal hand soap (I also didn't shop around for the best deal, which I will do next time), I actually didn't pay a ton more for baby wash and shampoo. (A large bottle of his normal baby wash is about $10.00 and I bought two baby washes for $5.99 wach) I also looked online for natural cleaning products to clean the house. I found this neat website ( that gives all the instructions on how to MAKE your own cleaning kit using normal everyday ingredients. Vinegar, baking soda, borax and essential oils. I'm sure lots of you have heard of stuff like this, but I'm really excited to start trying this out! I still have cleaning products in the house but when I run out of those I will be mixing some up. I think it will be a great way to save some money and have a 'toxic-free' house. Well, I'm really excited to make the switch and maybe one day when we're 'rich and famous' (or just have our own garden) I'll start growing our own veggies and work on worrying about the food!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

An Anderson update...

This awful weather if sure playing on my moods! Ick!
My last post was kind of depressing and I wanted to get back on here and reassure you (well those of you who bother to read my posts) everything is fine!
Every now and then I get really REALLY stressed about our budget and finances. It's hard not to. I will sometimes get an idea in my head and want Colin to work oil field for a few months and make some real money just to get us out of debt a bit and I get all obsessed over it for a few days and then I calm down. It's so hard to see others making so much more and I feel so inadequate sometimes.
BUT - I usually calm down, look at our budget again and things don't look as bad as they did before! It also helps me to see the blessings of tithing! We've never been extremely strapped for money and we've never starved, so someone is looking out for us!
Anywho, I really need some sun, like badly! I've been such an awful mood these past few days, with the constant snow and crummy roads, it's hard not to. I wouldn't even mind the sub-zero temperatures if there was bright sun shining! The sun just seems to make things happier! All of us have been sick (runny noses, coughs, headaches) for over a month and I seriously attribute that to weather!
This pregnancy has been fun! I go through spurts of energy, where my house is spotless and I find myself trying to find things to clean, tidy, do... but then I find that I can overexhert myself and I end up on the couch with cramps for a few days. Little boy #2 is quite active, but thankfully he still let's me sleep at night!
I have to admit I'm getting nervous and excited about delivery! I had such an awful time with Brant and this time I feel a bit more 'prepared' in regards to a birth plan and such and I'm more adament about what I WANT from this labour (within medical reason).
We've learned that Colin's parents will be moving back to Canada this summer. We're pretty excited! We'll have grandparents nearby to help out and they'll be close enough to see them more often. I know they are pretty excited to be living closer, especially since they are expecting 2 new grandbabies this year!
My sister is getting married in September too! So, I'll be helping her plan her wedding, as much as I can being pregnant and having a baby in July. It's kind of exciting! Especially considering a few years ago she said she didn't want to get married and she's even admitted being open to maybe one day having a kid or two. LOL! So maybe ONE DAY I will be an auntie! (on my side) *fingers crossed*
Well, that's about it for now! Besides the fact we're PRAYING for some sun! I'm sick of being stuck indoors all day long! Spring just can't come soon enough!
Have a snowy day everyone!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I just can't wait to grow up...

I don't know about you, but I remember when I was younger thinking when I grew up I'd get married, have beautiful kids and have a hard-working, high-earning husband and life would be hunky dorey! We'd have a beautiful house and while we wouldn't have anything, we would save and have things to look forward to.
Well... gosh! No one really fills you in on the reality of it all. Sure you can have most or all of those things, but no one really prepares you for the decisions that need to be made as an adult.
Life these days has been a little tense, there have been a few developments come about and it's difficult to judge what to do.
Prayer sometimes seems to futile, like we never get any answers. That or we are so busy with things to really notice the Lord's hand in anything. I see little blessings in our lives everywhere. Blessings of tithing and such, but I feel like we keep going round and round in a stupid little circle only to end up at the same 'dead end'. The definition of Insanity keeps replaying in my mind: doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Again, running in circles... we get ahead and then something unexpected comes along and we're back where we started!
Please don't get me wrong, I love my family. I couldn't have married a harder working, wonderful person, but some days it just becomes so overwhelming. I don't mind being in the 'lower class' working our way up, but things don't seem to be going up, they seem to stay at the constant 'status quo' and we don't get anywhere.
I know things will look up, it just get's to me some days.
But here's to the days where we will be more settled...