Friday, December 31, 2010

Merry Christmas and Rumors... (For WENDY EARL!)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Full of Family and Fun!

Ours started our pretty eventful!

On the 23rd, Colin, Brant and I were going to pack up the car and head down to Calgary to be there for about 7:00pm to have dinner with my Grandparents. I got a phone call at 4:30pm from my Grandpa telling me they weren't going to make it and my Grandma had been in a car accident. So that was a great start to our Christmas holidays! My Grandma is fine, and the car is a bit 'hurt' but all is well!

We decided to head down on the 23rd anyway, a bit late in the evening and we made it to Lethbridge at about 11:30pm.

Colin's family was getting together in Lethbridge for Christmas while my family was doing Christmas in Red Deer this year, so my mother and I just switched houses.

We opened presents on Christmas Morning, Brant and Colin were both spoiled rotten!

Colin got an iPod touch for his birthday and so I bought him several accessories (case, screen protector, plug in cord to the wall), hair gel (practical), markers (for seminary) and treats. His big present this year was a beautiful Dress Coat from Tip Top Tailors to wear over his suit! And my oh my he looks so handsome!!!

Brant got spoiled the most!! I had been collecting Toy Story things over the course of a few months when they were on sale or couldn't resist! Not intending to have a completely Toy Story Christmas! He got a Buzz and Woody doll from Santa, homemade Christmas pajamas, homemade Toy Story duvet cover and pillow case, Toy Story snuggie, hot wheels cars and some various treats as well. Let's just say he has NOT let that buzz doll out of his sight!!

We spend a lot of time with Colin's family, which was great because we rarely get to see them, and for the first time in a LONG time we were all together. All the kids and Mom and Dad. It was fun but Brant was such a Kling-on... He wouldn't go to Grandma or Grandpa the entire time we were there. Not too fun for Grandma and Grandpa! But rest assured he's been doing that in nursery for a few months as well. He's been super excited about Dad being off work for 10 days and been hanging off of his every chance he gets!

We also got to meet my sister's boyfriend, Brent. That was entertaining! He was really funny and could even quote obscure kids movie's with Colin. Needless to say those two (Colin and Brent) ended up with 'Man-crushes' on each other! Fun times!

Last but not least... (for Wendy...) We're pregnant with number 2!

We found out on November 5th and I hit 12 weeks on Christmas Day! We were pretty shocked but are happy with the way it turned out! We had an ultrasound at 6w3d and found a little bean and a heartbeat! I haven't had a pre-natal appointment yet as I'm waiting to get in with a group of Midwives here in Red Deer. I have my first appointment on the 5th. I'm pretty excited, especially if we can hear the heartbeat again.
So Little Anderson #2 is due July 2011! Just hopefully NOT on my birthday!

So that's all for now!

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Christmas, and a wonderful New Year!

Bring on 2011!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tunk er Tweet...

So last night we had our ward Trunk or Treat and Halloween party!

It was a lot of fun! There are a lot of games, but as per usual Brant spent most of the time seeing how far he could get in the shortest amount of time.

He wanted to be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween. We finally found him a size 2T costume and of course had to give him eye brows as he really doesn't have any!

HAHA... had to pick the picture with the cheesiest grin!

We also played lots of games, during the times I could get him to stop running! He really liked the bean bag toss, and he was really good at it!

For some reason Brant really liked walking back and forth through this streamer thing. It was hilarious!

And then of course... Trunk or Treating!

I tried to get Brant to say "trick or treat" but after trying I was TOLD by an 8 year old that it's "trunk or treat" I tried to get him to say "trunk or treat". After the first few cars he was completely disinterested. Muttering 'fank oo' (thank you) to everyone. When we were done he couldn't wait to let go of my hand and RUN AWAY!!

This was so fun, Brant is now allowed to wear his Buzz costume all the time! He loves it, and cries when I try to take it off!

Well, that's all for now!


Friday, October 29, 2010

Toy Story 3!

So I met a new friend at Mom and Tots this week and she mentioned that she likes to take her kids (she has 3) to the movie theatre every now and then. Well I just thought Brant should be older before we head to a theatre and make him sit through a movie. But, he sit's and watched both Toy Story and Toy Story 2 at home so I figured we'd be pretty safe with Toy Story 3.
Well, we invited our new friends to go with us. Brant thought it was pretty fun! We got him a booster seat and some popcorn and he had it made.
He sat nicely through most of it, got up a few times, but we both had a good time.
I'll have to take him some other time to a different movie and see how he does.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sweet Is the Peace...

The Temple Brings.

It's been pretty hectic around here lately, with Colin in seminary, working full time and Me, working part-time and keeping a house running including finances, it's been easy to get stressed with the lack of time. It's been easy to get frustrated with our miss-matched schedules and meetings to get to and fitting family time in when we can.

Colin and I decided it was time to go to the Temple. We hadn't been in a loooong time, and actually can't remember the last time we went. So last minute we decided to find a sitter and head on up.

We were determined to get answers. We had been feeling ok with the way things were going, maybe a little stressed about Colin being in seminary and not in school, but we we're doing ok otherwise. We had been getting conflicting advice and feelings about how everything was going from just about everywhere and everyone. We felt we really needed a solid answer to how we were to go about the next couple years.

As we sat in the Celestial Room ( we were the last ones to leave! ), we both had the feeling that we were both doing what we needed to do. I also had a special witness telling me there are only 3 people involved in a marriage, Heavenly Father, Husband and Wife. No one else. So regardless of what might be said, we have that testimony that we are doing all we can and Heavenly Father is happy with where we are.

It's been hard, but it's been fun and will continue to be that way. I know that by following the promptings we recieved in the Temple we will be blessed, not sure how but we will.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Despite popular opinion or belief, Colin and I know what we are doing!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What to blog about??

I always have such a hard time thinking about what to blog about as I don't think my life is all that interesting!
But I figured I should try!

We are having Thanksgiving this weekend here for Colin's siblings and we are excited about it! I love turkey and laughing till my stomach hurts! So it should be a good time!

Right now, Colin and I are in the process of discussing about having another babe. Well, it's a very touchy subject for me as Brant's birth was absolutely horrific! I am so scared to do that again! So I've been doing some reading and have thought about researching about midwives. They are covered by AHC and work on the baby's schedule and not work around plane tickets to Hawaii. But I'm curious to as whether or not they accept VBAC patients. So we'll have to see.

We are also in the process of paying off our debt. I'm working about 5-6 shifts a month and that pay is devoted to our debt. So, after crunching numbers and deadlines we figure if we work really really hard, and live off as little as we can, we can be debt free in about 2 years! But certain things need to paid off before others and some I don't care too much about paying off early. So, we are looking at abou 9 months to pay off a few debts and pay off interest on remaining debts! It's really exciting to look forward to things, like being debt free and possibly entertaining the idea of our own home! **GASP!**

So, for halloween I thought it would be cute to dress Brant up as Tigger or Curious George, but NO, the second he set his eyes on a Buzz Lightyear costume, all hopes of getting him to wear anything else went out the window! So I have this cute little costume for Buzz Lightyear and am really excited to get him all done up!

Colin has started as the new early morning seminary teacher, and it's been an interesting month. I'm trying to be supportive and make time for him to study and prepare lessons but it's tough! Colin was going to take a class for business through Althabasca, but I don't think that's going to happen. He's so busy with seminary and work that he would have NO time to study. So that's a bit discouraging as we are told to get an education but his calling to not allowing time to do so.

Well that's all going on in my life. It may be dull and boring but we love it!

Friday, August 13, 2010

My Spare Thoughts...

As I finally have a few spare moments to write a little blerb here are my spare thoughts...

We arrived home from Utah on Tuesday August 3rd, and let's just say there hasn't been much recouperating going on!! We have my little brother here from Lethbridge for 2 1/3 weeks, and I've been trying to find fun things for him to do. We've been hiking, swimming, boating and tubing, camping and bike riding. Needless to say, we haven't had a moment's rest around here and... my house is a mess!!

I find it really hard to have energy and motivated when my house is a mess. I honestly have mountains, serious mountains of laundry to do and I HAD a couple hills of dishes needing to be done. We're still trying to get settled from moving, I don't have everything where I'd like it and things in places I don't like but because they aren't in my face I don't fix it! If only I could get a couple days, baby free. (Wouldn't we all!)

But on to my spare thoughts...

I was having a few "A-HA" moments...

For some reason I have this need to be 'perfect'. I get mad at Brant and I literally hate myself for hours, I don't get my chores done and I feel like a horrible wife and mother. I'm unsure where this 'need for perfection' has come from, but it's caused me a lot of anxiety and I just can't believe Heavenly Father wants us to feel this way. I'm working hard on reminding myself, I'm NOT perfect and that's NO ONE is expecting me to be and that I need to have reasonable expectations of myself. I continually pray for help and strength to work through this and have developed a testimony of prayer.

I also have a great testimony of families. I am continually grateful for my wonderful husband and adorable son. Life has not been a picnic for me, and to see how much my Heavenly Father loves me and blesses me and continues to help me through my struggles is such a huge testimony builder. Had someone told me things would turn out the way they have I probably wouldn't have believed them. So I do need to express my love and gratitude to my Heavenly Father.

I'm also grateful for my membership in the Church, without it I know I would be lost. Of all the unexplainable and confusing things the world throws at us, this is the one thing that makes sense. Thankfully I've never struggled with this in my life as the gospel has always made sense to me. I remember going to a hairdresser who was a J.W. and while I never liked the idea of discussing religion with someone who has a pair of scissors to my head, discussing the Church with her, no matter how hard to tried to sway me, always reaffirmed my testimony of the Church. Only 144,000 going to Heaven?? Well, I'm screwed... why bother? Honestly? (If you ask Colin, it should technically say 144,026... but don't get them started on that! LOL) I remember asking her, if Heavenly Father is our Father, don't you think he wants us all to come back to him? I remember her face like it was yesterday, she looked completely bewildered! "Why would he want us all back?" I was totally lost! I remember that Spirit telling (almost yelling!) me "No, he wants us all back!" I could never believe something like that! It breaks my heart to think that some people believe that. Guess I need to be better at my missionary work!!

We recently visited Utah and were fortunate enough to get some alone time to go to the Salt Lake Temple, and as wonderful as going there was... that's not where this experience is taking me. Temple Square recently opened a new exhibit, a model of the Salt Lake Temple ( ) and it shows what it looks like on the inside. It was really neat to see, and I thought it would be great for those interested in the Church and curious about our Temples. (Finally show we don't sacrifice babies... lol) I just remember seeing soooo many people who you knew were not members of the Church. Asking questions and finding the exhibit really interesting. I mentioned to my Grandmother that I couldn't believe how many people (who we could tell where not members) were so interested. She said something that has been nagging me since. As a convert to the Church she would understand, but as a person who grew up in the Church I've always been a little shy about sharing the Gospel, thinking if they are interested they'll ask. She said "They're starving." She went on to say they are starving for something more. Of course I had heard that all before, but this time it really stuck. Because, like my Grandmother, whether or not they know, they ARE starving. I pray I may know how to help those starving for the truth, and not shy away from what I know to be true.

Sorry this is soo long, I just feel I need to get my testimony out there as I NEVER do it in Church!

These were my 'A-HA' moments lately, and I hope you all have wonderful A-HA moments!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Our Family Vacation 2010

This last weekend was our only weekend away together. Colin works so much and doesn't ask for time off so this was the only vacation we got this summer.

We got to relax ( I guess?!?!), spend time with family and we even got to go to the Salt Lake City Temple with my Grandmother who had never been. It was a bit difficult for her with her crummy knee and all but it was a great experience. We also met up with one of Colin's mission buddies and his wife. It was great to see them and get to know his wife. We hope to go see them again soon!

This picture below is the reason we travelled 3,500km (round trip) to Lehi, Utah, over the course of 6 days.
Claire Alison Booth, born April 3, 2010 and blessed August 3, 2010. This will be my last 1st cousin, and I wanted so badly to be there for the blessing. We luckily got the time off and the funds to head down there. We hadn't been down there for so long! And it was great to see my family again.
The Whole Family spoken of previously...
I purchased a beautiful blessing gown from a friend who makes blessing outfits for babies. ( She did a wonderful job and my aunt just LOVED the dress! The best looking infant that morning (with there being 4!!! baby blessings!) with her accompanying bonnet and booties.

Sundays are wonderful for naps. My Aunt had friends and family over after the baby blessing for a bit of a brunch. (Only after realizing it was fast Sunday! LOL) We had worked hard to either distract children or prepare food for the brunch and we were so exhausted! Colin passed out on Alison's bed and Brant wanted to nap with his daddy. I, meanwhile, snapped a quick picture.
Our trip home was quite uneventful, which was nice. A friend of ours lent us their portable dvd player and we watched Winnie the Pooh, Finding Nemo, Cars, Toy Story and Toy Story 2 at least 2 times each! Winnie the Pooh being the most popular with about 5 viewings...
We took the back roads to Calgary stopping by a little town we HAD to stop and take pictures at...
Brant, I'm sure, had NO idea what the heck he was posing for, but he was sure cute!!!
We, of course, then had to stop for Peter's in Calgary. Brant enjoyed his shake... Root Beer. (Technically his uncle's... but David was nice enough to share!)

We then had to snap a video of Brant doing this... it was too cute to pass up and I was lucky to record it... he thought the video camera was off!!! Enjoy!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

One of the worst nights... UUGGGGG...

I hate to brand it "the worst night ever" as I have never had a colicky kid or whatnot. But we have had our share of cranky baby nights... however last night I believe takes the cake. (So far!)
Our neightbour has an ex, whether or not it's ex-husband or ex-boyfriend I'm not too sure, but that ex has a dog. We were under the impression there were no pets allowed here, but you gotta 'love' rule breakers.
Our neighbour had her mother take her young daughter (just a bit older than Brant) for the evening, just so she could get a break. Fair enough, we all need a break! She had her ex over, and they were having some drinks. They were being completely fair about trying to keep quiet, and respectful that we had a little guy. At around 1030 they invited some friends over for drinks. They too were nice and quiet, didn't play music too loud, but did hang out on the balcony and talked a bit loud. Around 1230 they decided to go out... where I don't know... as i'm usually in bed and asleep by 1030. Shortly after they left the ex's dog started barking. And barking... and barking and barking. Until finally around 115 we decided to call the cops. They weren't home or I would have got them to shut their dog up! The cops said they would send someone around to check things out.
Their dog continued to bark until about 230 when our neighbours got home! Needless to say, after trying hard, Colin and I could NOT sleep! He finally stopped barking once they got home and ahhh... it was nice a quiet. But ... not for long. Brant must have had a nightmare and woke up screaming at about 245-300. We brought him to bed with us and after about half and hour of crying he went back to sleep.
(Side Note) I think it's funny how kids sleep! I mean, I don't know about you, but I tend to stay relatively still at night and usually wake up in the same position I fell asleep in. I think it's hilarious how much kids move in their sleep. How do they stay asleep after moving soo much and then wake up bright and chipper?!!? i have no idea...
Anywho, after having been kicked, bumped, head butted and elbowed from anywhere from my tummy, head and boobs I got Colin to take him back to his room. Well Brant woke up from trying to be moved at 530, and decided that that was enough sleep for him.
So needless to say, we've been up since... oh heck I don't even know if we fell asleep!?!?
It was a horrible night, and to top it all off, all three of us are sick, so sleep would have helped!
BUT - we did make it to church, a little late, but we still made it! Colin had to teach and I had to lead the music in RS. And we got to come home and take a nap! So not all was lost, but it's going to catch up with us I betcha!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Learn something new with every... quilt?

For a while now I`ve been working on improving my quilting skills.
I`ve made (almost) 4 quilts, and seem to learn something new each time I make one.
The first one I made was for Colin`s brother and his wife for their wedding. It was fun because I was just learning how to quilt and had a couple of fun ideas, (and a new sewing machine) but thankfully had someone to help with the color selection as I`m not that well coordinated.
(I can`t seem to find a picture of it right now!)
With this quilt, I learned HOW to quilt. How to cut strips, squares, how to line everything up perfectly and basically everything there is to know about quilting. (well, besides triangles!!) I think this quilt turned out really nice, and was a huge project for a first-timer, but Barry and his wife enjoy it!

Second quilt I made was technically for Colin`s cousin`s wife. She was due with a baby and we were both pretty sure it was a girl. So, being `pretty sure` I started making this pink quilt. Well, low and behold she had a boy! So here I was with this cute pink quilt...

Thankfully a friend of ours had a baby girl. I was going to make her a rag quilt but this couldn`t have been more perfect!
With this quilt I learned that it`s not a great idea...
1. to start a big project like this without being 100% sure the sex of the baby you are making it for
2. never to pin a quilt on carpet... no matter how low the carpet! This quilt had a few spots where things didn`t line up and it puckered a bit, but it was still cute!

Third quilt I made was for Colin and I. I figured I had made 2 for other people and I wanted one for myself. I love this pattern and will most likely make another quilt with it. It was really easy but I spent a lot of time cutting out all the different sizes of pieces.

With this quilt I learned that I should never go to Fabricland expecting to get all the fabric for one quilt in a day. While I love the pattern of this quilt and some of the patterns of the fabrics, some just don`t go together. Oh... and never let the husband pick out fabrics either.
Oh... and NEVER under any circumstance take an overtired hungry baby to a fabric store...
This fourth quilt isn`t quite done yet. I am making it for my Aunt who just had a baby back in April. I had picked up these fabric patterns a while back and have been looking for the perfect project to use them on.
(Sorry, had to post the picture of the cute boy in it!!)
While I love the pattern of the quilt (easiest one out there!!) and love the fabrics, I wish I had been a little more creative with the piecing. As you notice a predictable pattern happening. I wish I had been a little more spontaneous with the placing of some squares.
Also... no matter how good you think you are... always pin borders... (not shown)
Overall though, this quilt will be cute no matter what. Now I just know better for next time!
I have only learned a few things, but still continue to make the same silly mistakes! So I figured it I took the time to write it all down I wouldn't be so absent minded and I would remember NOT to make these mistakes!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

'Un'safe road hazard!

I feel the need to apologize to all the drivers out there who feel that I'm an 'un'safe road hazard.

1. I'm sorry that I honked at you, it was completely my fault you felt the need to pull right out in front of me!

2. I'm sorry I'm not going fast enough, go ahead and speed to the next red light. I'll meet you there!

3. I'm sorry to inconvience you when I have the 'right of way' to turn left onto a service road. I should kneel at your feet with gratitude.

4. I'm sorry I didn't yield to you turning left while I was going straight through an intersection. How careless of me!

5. I'm sorry I'm merging onto the highway right beside you. Please don't worry about making room, I'm sure I'll fit between you and that semi!

6. I'm sorry I'm only going 15 kilometers over the speed limit. Feel free to pass me while waving the finger, I deserve it!

And on a more serious note:

I'm sorry I didn't see you and DID almost drive out in front of you. Feel free to stop, hold up traffic and cuss me out, because I'm sure you've NEVER done anything like that before!!

I must need to take driver's ed all over again...

Drive safe everyone!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter, BABY!!!

So, again... we forgot our camera! You would think that by placing it by the door you would remember to take it with you... NOPE!
Anyway, Friday morning Colin, Brant and I went to the Calgary Zoo, and met up with some friends there. It was fun! Brant called every animal he saw a puppy, even after telling him that that large grizzly puppy could take his head off.
After the zoo we drove the 3 1/2 hours to Oyen, Alberta. My Great-Uncle and Aunt bought a home out there and completely renovated it and wanted everyone out for Easter dinner before they sold it.
We felt kind of odd out there on this Easter weekend, what with it being General Conference and all. We missed out completely on all 4 sessions, and Colin mentioned he didn't think he had ever missed a Priesthood session before. But, thanks to modern technology, we will be able to catch up on all we missed over this next week.
It's also was a bit of a dissappointing Easter for Brant. Not that he knew anyways! But I guess the Easter Bunny will have to come back tomorrow! Colin and I kind of dropped the ball on that one! My Grandmother had sent Brant a little dark chocolate Easter Bunny but we totally forgot! I'm thinkin I'll head out to Walmart tomorrow and find him a few goodies and then take pictures of memories sake.
We did have a little bit of exciting news... all 6 pounds 14 ounces of it! My aunt had her baby girl on Saturday. We had a phone call around 3:30 saying her water broke and she was off to the hospital. Then not even 3 hrs later, at 6:15 we had a phone call telling us little Claire Alison was born. We were all so excited and recieved pictures of her right away! (Again, thanks to modern technology!)
This trip was fun and good for us, considering with Colin's job and school I never really get to see him, or have a day where there is nothing on our agenda. But as always, trips are nice to think about, but end up being more stressful than you anticipate! We are happy to be home and sleep in our own beds.
Hope everyone had a happy Easter, and enjoyed Conference.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Has Spring Sprung??

Well, it's been a while since I've written anything here, and while since I've taken any pictures! So sorry, no pictures up this time!

It's nice to be able to walk outside in sweaters again! Much easier too!

Colin has been busy with school and I've been busy with... well whatever I feel like. I've been going to the gym running and hanging out at Mom and Tots. Nothing terribly exciting and it seems to be the same week after week!

Colin and I went for a walk today and will hopefully be bbq after school! It's beautiful out! Just as long as Mother Nature lets it continue this way.

We really have no exciting news to report, hence the long silence.

We will be moving hopefully sometime this summer, because Colin will no longer be taking classes here at the college! "Is he done?" you ask? NO, but he will be taking online courses through the University of Athabasca for the next couple years. He will be able to work full time and get a few things paid off!

We are excited to move out of this little tiny place into something a bit bigger and then hopefully in a couple years buy a house!

Well, that's about all right now! I don't think I'm very good at this blogging thing as I never have any witty, funny remarks to write in here!

Oh well, have a great day everyone and enjoy the nice weather while it's here!

Friday, January 29, 2010

New people mover...!!!

Well, it's been an interesting week!
Our Oldsmobile has given us nothing but trouble for the last year and a half but we have just been too scared to look at purchasing a new car. Well, this week we had had enough! In the last 6 months this car has cost us more than what the car is worth and we had to decide if we were done pouring money into this car.
We had been given a great offer on a bigger family 8 seater car, and were quite excited about it, but after crunching numbers and figuring for gas and insurance decided this 'bigger' car wasn't worth it just yet as we don't need the space!
We were getting so confused! While we felt it was time for a new car, nothing was working out for us! Until yesterday! I had gone into a dealership looking at used cars and pricing and such when it was brought to my attention that the interests rates on brand new cars has dropped to nothing! (Thanks Toyota for making sticky gas pedals!) So after crunching more numbers found that we could get a BRAND NEW car for cheaper than a used because of the interest rate! We were approved and finally felt that things were working out for us!
We are going to the dealership to get our new car today!
It's amazing how even though we may not see the final result, Heavenly Father knows exactly what we need, when we need it! We are so grateful that this opportunity came up for us and are very excited to have a nice reliable car!
Now just to get better at driving a stick!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Year Snew Year...

Well, the New Year hasn't been too kind to us!
Brant had a bit of a cough but then got better around the 2nd, but I got sick on the 30th with a sore throat and went to the doctor a little late but am on antibiotics. I have never had a cold sore in my life, but this week I have developed... count them... 1...2...3...4...5...6! Yep... S.I.X. cold sores. They hurt soo bad! I've been to the doctor and he gave me some pills (for genital herpes!! But they work for cold sores too! YAY) and now I'm taking 2 prescriptions...
I still feel gross and haven't done much! I feel bad for Colin because he's had to take over a lot of things around the house because I feel like junk. But that means I have the greatest husband ever!
I was also supposed to give a talk in church on Sunday, but called and cancelled because I AM NOT feeling any better yet! I feel bad because I didn't have a hard topic! It would have been easy!
I hope this year starts to look up and that I don't get sick anymore! I don't think I could take another illness! I'm just glad it's me and not Brant! Unfortunately... I can't kiss my little guy!
Brant is still talking and walking lots and he's still making us laugh. He's also almost 13 months!! It's crazy how fast he's growing up and turning into a little boy!!